Calendar Post by Month

September 2016


Guess what he likes?

Well, we are locked in at a kennel.  We were asked to come watch the family dogs in Lakewood… They have two rather large crossbred labs.  Beyond that we have two cocker and cocker mix… (smaller and more easy to handle).  But we also brought Grandson #3, his Dad and their 3 dogs for the long weekend.  I would rather be in California with Grandsons 1 and 2 touring Disneyland and attending MINECON…  I have no real idea about MINECON but it has to be better than caring for the kennel? right? Amazing with this many all you need is any little noise, like bumping into a wall downstairs or knocking on the handle before you open a door or ???? anything and it sets them all off.  One barks and they all get in a frenzy and have no clue why they are barking.   Hell they may even be running to all three of the different doors and if nothing is there they keep barking and run to another one… Getting them calmed down is a real chore and I am sure the neighbors all know we have more than a few dogs here.  ha!

Beyond the dogs we do have GS#3 with us here and his Dad had to make a run back to the Springs for a meeting and take care of some unfinished business.  Tonight once we all got back together we fixed up some dinner and guess what… we already knew he liked this stuff so he has it reasonably often… ha! but a 2 year old …boy can  he get into it.


That was just the half of it… he, of course , can’t eat with out having his favorite cars close two of them got covered as well … think they had to go in the dishwasher… Grandma already had them off before I got this picture.

With this picture I thought I had see that face before???

1-1981 (10)

Yep, back in the Day his Dad had the same like and method… like that pasta and get it everywhere…



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