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March 2012


I Just hate Car Salesmen

The other day I stated I might be interested in an Orange Jeep then figured it may be too much orange and saw that bike but figure there is no way I would get one of those… … on my trip to Enid I spotted one that was Orange but had a black top… so I stopped to look.  I guess you’re not supposed to just come in to look.  Although with my recent luck with car salesmen it may be that I just present someone that irritates them?  Surely not.

What I saw looked like this one:

orange jeep 007 (1280x960) (1280x960)

I made a circle of the new jeep and was getting back to the car to leave and a salesman came out, young guy.  I immediately told him I was just looking and he got a strained look on his face like I chased him off the pot too soon?  He then said as he was turning to leave “Walmart is just down the street and has a lot of cars you can look at”.  He then just walked off.  Guess he doesn’t have to work hard for his sales or maybe he doesn’t like dealing with old guys that probably could just pay for it with a check, if I wanted?  Not sure what his problem was, but I warn you, if you’re in Enid, OK. and looking at Chrysler or Dodge products at Jackson’s, be careful of the rude sales people… Or show more interest than I must have.

I sent an email to the owner and got a response but it was mostly what I expected… “please come back we would like to make you a customer”… not likely… after all my current job is “Service Quality Auditor”…


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