Calendar Post by Month

August 2010


!Hot Hot Hot!… and More HOT!

This is the hottest I remember it being – although I know the weatherman will say different but this is HOT… over 100 for all the days I have been home… I deal with over 100 in the desert but here it is supposed to cool off? The heat there is without humidity, here it is with too much humidity. Oh well, I get some work done in the mornings but by noon, I find a cool place to go (Inside).

Today was another work day. I got it in my mind that the Gas Grill was in the wrong place… mostly because it was “greasing” up the kitchen window and everything else near it. So I went yesterday and got parts to run an extension on the hose and place the grill on the outside of the deck and let the fumes and grease coat out there. I know it will still grease things up but at least it won’t be the window.

This is where it used to be.”]


That window was double “NASTY” along with the wall, the porcelain duck down below, and the deck itself…

“This is where it is now – vented to the outside of the deck. no window


The task was not too difficult, just had to get out the tools, drill some “big” holes in the deck (out-of-the-way)
This is the hole and hose going under. “]

This is where it came back up on the outside of the deck. “]

and run the hose under the deck floor then back up. Well, sounds simple but had to get an extra 10ft extension and an end to end connector to hook the two hoses together. Then had to put in some conduit loops under the deck to hold the hose up out-of-the-way…

After the “BIG MOVE” I then got out the power washer and proceeded to wash down the deck, the windows, etc. I had been neglecting that this summer and actually it should be done every summer to wash out the bugs and things that collect there because those windows are big calling cards for bugs and frogs… – yea we have a couple of “tree frogs” with little suction cup feet that love to hit those windows and doors just after dark. they get right after the bugs, and live in some of the flower pots we have on the deck or hanging from the beam… they can climb up to and out of anything. lots of fun to watch.

That is a patio door he is on at the top. “]


I ended up washing all the windows and doors on that side of the house as well as the deck. Well, I only washed the outside of them. Someone else might have to do the inside. GOOD LUCK!…

So that was the morning, then lunch and back to the shop to work on some Airplane parts – under the air-conditioner… like I said, It was HOT!… 106 on my weather station today not including add-on for “heat index”.

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