Calendar Post by Month

October 2011


Still in Houston–yuk!

Well, I am still in Houston.  I have not had much time to post as most could tell, hell wait, no one reads this but me so who cares?  Ha!

Anyway, we have been working every day but today we all got fed up early and quit by noon, then had a couple of hours in the bar next to the motel.  The other 3 were putting away that beer but me, I had one and that was enough.  We were watching the A&M game and what is up with them… I liked the outcome last weekend when they let my team come from way back and knock them out… but today they should have figured that crap out.  Plus they were supposed to be better than Arkansas?  What’s up with the CHOKE machine? They better figure it out or the slide to the bottom is going to be pretty rought and it will not get any better when they are in the SEC. 

We met for dinner at 5 and went to P.F. Changes… Upscale Chinese.  We tend to go to upscale restaurants every day since it is on the company nickel.  When it is my nickel I tend to go a bit cheaper for most meals… Hell, I even miss the fast food places some so have hit Taco Cabana last night and Sonic a few days ago.  I know none are good for the figure but since I spent a fortune to get it out where I can see it – I like to keep it out there…

My fortune cookie tonight was good advise:   “Luck helps those who help themselves”.  With that, it is another day shot.  Tomorrow the others will play a round of Golf in the morning, instead of working.  I will probably do some reading, walking and alone time.  I am not a golfer and chasing little white balls around a manicured pasture is not my idea of fun. – WD0AJG

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