Calendar Post by Month

July 2009


New start

Now I got another new things to learn about/.. If I can figure out how to do spell check it would look better so my warning now is – I don’t know how yet. I have been very “off” for a long time in doing my web pages and keeping up with the internet technology…. I am a user without a clue! But in the need to get my website moved I opted to start this thing, will see how long it lasts? Started the day in a real down mode… felt like leftover meatloaf… and spent most of the day fighting an old computer that just wants to lock up every few hours… damn thing anyway. Runs great if you don’t ask it to do anything, the minute you want to do 2 things… poof, it will lock and reboot… man I hate that…. I still have big plans to get my Ham radio shack back in operations – had those plans for 6 months now! maybe I will finally find that “round-2-it” soon. First I have to get rid of that crappy computer so my stuff wont lock up as much… strange I had an old 486 on win98 that never had a problem? Maybe I should bring it back? Problem I am seeing with that is the new software wont eve load on it… I also remember I had the best computer available and it had 2megs of memory (unheard of at the time)…. but that was 1987…. and I worked in Lotus 123 a lot too… Well that is enough space used for nothing today… I still have a movie to edit, since I finally got my DVDexpressDV2 working to copy over tapes to video files… too bad the intent was to redo all my Mini-8 tapes to video files but the old camera was dead both in and out on video… so now I guess I will pay someone to cover all of them… some real good memories on there — had a full hour of Grandma Ishmael talking about homesteading on one, really want to find that one…


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