Calendar Post by Month

July 2009


It is always unfinished stuff….

If it was not for unfinished stuff – I could rest and retire.  maybe?

Had a meeting set for 10 am today so I thought, get you’re quicken brought up to date… I got about half done and had to leave… I may get back to it later… strange to put on “snappy-casual” clothes for a few hours – and the shoes hurt my feet.  I have been wearing sandals this past 3 weeks and dress-up shoes suck… and I used to wear cowboy boots and thought that was I would ever wear…. ha!

Spent the afternoon trying to fix things that are still broke or not done… I think I am the measure of what my Dad used to call “half-assed work”… I get started on one job, find something else that take priority and then when I finish the priority, I forgot what I started out to do?  I call it “part-timers” disease… just remember part of the things part of the time

I still have the battery tray to fix in the motor home – battery acid spills prior to my purchase took out the slide runner on one side so – guess what – the damn thing does not slide now.  It is a real job pulling it out enough without dumping it on the ground so I can get water in the batteries – and yes they need water about every 3 months. … That small process required pulling it out of the barn, getting the tools and tightening things up, repair the hold down all-thread and clean up then back the motor home back in the barn.  To fix the filling problem I am going to buy one of those auto filler things soon, and then you don’t really have to pull the tray out every time you need to water up.  But first I think I should fix the tray slides so it will pull out when I need to.

Then I put in a mount for the tire monitor and brake monitor.  Just hit me how to do it so I got the parts from junk bins and put it up… see what a 12inch piano hinge and some clear Plexiglas will do… That was a shorter job than all the others I attempted, but again it is only half done.   Now I have to get the electrical worked out so the power cords are into the dash and the Aux1 switch is used to turn on and off…

I also got some trim board put up around the air-conditioner in the shop… and the paper towel holder mounted that I was going to do 3 months ago.    My family thinks I am just doing nothing every day since I am not working at a job here (I work on a rotation in Africa and I put in more than enough hours there to make up for the 26 days off we get…) but when you’re gone 30 days there is a whole lot of crap that needs doing when you do get home…

I guess I need to throw out my list of things to do and start over as I still have all the old stuff on the list?  I got lists everywhere of things I hope to get done, someday…

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