Calendar Post by Month

August 2009


Just my Luck

Well, today’s business was done mostly – or at least as much as it could be… but disaster always strikes me no matter what. I had plans of getting on the mowing and yard work early… but due to the cool weather and wet conditions we had a real heavy dew… that stopped the mowing and just about anything else I thought I could do… for awhile…

So I did a little clean up and getting ready for the mower, then decided to do some calls to find heavy slides to fix the battery tray in the motorhome… ours had a tray for the 4 – 6 volt house batteries – maybe I already talked about that in the filling them with water the other day? Anyway , I went out and measured , again, the sizes of the tray and the slides, came in and called the company that made it… (the tray slides) Kwikee. I answered a few simple questions on what I wanted to know about and they promptly transferred me to ………. a dealer in OKC (same place I normally go for repairs) Just my luck? No one there knew exactly what to do since I explained that it would hold 4 batteries that weight about 85 lbs. each… total weight close to 400 lbs. but the tray they make for batteries is only good for 200lbs? and they could not find anything that matched the size I had measured? oh boy, they then tried to call Kwikee and we got no answer from that , so I had to thank them and move on… did some internet search and found a couple that would go 400 lbs. but they are either made outside the US, or real expensive (about 700 bucks for a pair)… needless to say that is not in the cards… so will have to keep thinking on this problem. That took most of my morning to get nowhere – Just my luck.

Anyway, I made a quick check at the local RV dealer after lunch and no help there either.   When I got home it was dry to start mowing… I have over and acre to mow but had offered to mow the local park area as well – was too late for that.  but decided to mow out the tall stuff so people in cars (lower visual advantage than the many SUV’s) could see coming traffic at the entrance to the addition… got all that done and mowed the remainder of my lot came in and pulled the radio out (I carry a ham radio handheld sometimes that also will work FM radio as well as the local Ham repeaters… ) anyway in all my maneuvers today I lost the tip off the small antenna for that… bet that cost me another $75 to replace… just my luck…

I also did a little shovel work and buried another of my drip water lines… sprayed out some grass moving into the flower beds, and fertilized some of the grass… why fertilize?  damn stuff just has to be mowed when I do that?  must be a brain malfunction or something that causes us to make more work for ourselves?  Anyway we then waited for Son and his wife to make it in from Dallas so we could go eat… sure got hungry… they showed about 8 and after some confusion we got off to eat at a local Thia/Chinese restaurant.  That was good and I figured I better write something as I promised myself to keep this going.

So my day was filled with life’s little chores, – mowing, weeding, watering, bills etc. Just my luck

life’s little disasters – loosing the antenna tip from my NEW radio,not getting the parts to fix the battery tray, or finding anyone that could, Just my luck.

and life’s little joys… kids get in for a visit and I helped the neighborhood as well as My wife by clearing up the corner and hopefully prevent some close calls or maybe even an accident… oh and my grass is mowed for awhile and the flowers look pretty good this year…. Hope that is someone else’s luck.

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