Calendar Post by Month

August 2009


Lazy Sunday – with little ambition

It was a lazy day today… I got up late – about 7am… the rest of the family made it out from 10 to 11… so I spent a lot of time on the back deck as it was a nice cool morning on the west side of the house.  Did some reading and checking on things I need to get done, next time I get home?

We went to the local diner (Shortcakes) and had lunch, rather I had lunch they all had breakfast.  No big plans for the rest of the day either… more reading, setting on the back deck and??? Other small things…

I did a lot of reading on my hobby – amateur radio – I get a kick to get back into it some so I am doing some reading on some of the new trends in APRS and such…

I did spend a lot of time watching the hummingbirds fight of the feeder… territorial little things… was fun to see them stand each other off, occasionally they would share the feeder but not often and sometimes they did a lot more chasing than drinking?

The kids left at 4:30 or so to get back to Dallas, and I made my trip to the store to get supplies for my pending  trip back to work… when your that far away you have to take most of what you need with you, cause you are not going to find that stuff in the desert!…   I then called my Dad to get caught up on his day… at his age he mostly watches TV now… but he does a lot of talking to the rest of the family so I can catch up on that through him.

I know I need to get more pictures up on this thing, which would help with some of my descriptions… I promise to make a better effort for that.  Take a few more pictures and get them posted in this.

This is all a learning process, as I learn how to put in links and how to write – I am not too good at that but maybe someday?


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