Calendar Post by Month

August 2009


The day of Dread

This is the day I hate most in the rotational work schedule.  The day I have to get ready to return… the Travel is bad enough but the day before is spent trying to make sure I got as much done as I could or taken care of things I know I need to do.   Being gone for 29 days there is almost no way to ensure I have covered all things… and a lot of stuff, will just have to wait.

First thing on my last day is to get a haircut.  So I make a visit to my favorite “beautician” and tell him to do his best, which is good for haircuts but I always come out looking just as bad, except for my hair is shorter…He tells me that his license is just like a Doctor, he is practicing and some day he will get it right….  well really he does a real good job on my hair , it is the rest of me that needs more help.    Anyway it is a good place for all the latest on what is happening in town.   The barbers get to hear it all.  Financially, Stillwater is down but still in a holding pattern.  If one of the local employers decides to pull out we are going to be in a deeper situation that the rest of the state, and that is going to be serious for a smaller town… although being a university town there is the saving grace of the students returning starting this week with “rush week” for the Greeks and next week is Alpha for new students then the next is “start” week… fresh money and fresh faces…with fresh problems?  Just to be the age again for a few weeks would be grand!

After that I make a short trip to pick up last minutes supplies, and back home to finish up on last minute calls, appointments for next time home and other things in that nature.  Then lunch and back to make a final pack and weight check on my load to go… no more than 50lbs in the travel trunk… so have to be careful with all that…

In the interim I called an old friend in Duncan to see if he could help with a Ham radio project.  Maybe my next home trip I can get some more of my hobby shop put together and enjoy a little of my hobby?  With that I had to dig out some radios long stacked in the back, look for a setup meter I have lost or mis-placed and think about how I am going to get it all done… also sent him an email with some specifics to help with a purchase of parts…

The rest of the evening is spent checking email, finalizing the list of things I didn’t get done, trying to pass on what needs to be done, and mentally preparing for the work rotation… not sure that can be prepared for but I try…

I will not be adding to this journal for a few days as it takes at least two days to get to my work location and the first night there I am usually too wasted to think… just try to read up on what has to be done first thing the next morning… uck… but oh well, the positive side is – just 30 more days and I will be home… ha!  I took some pictures today but didn’t pull any for the posting… maybe I will have some of my journey through 3 airports and 31 hours of hell…

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