Calendar Post by Month

August 2009


Travel – it really is not fun!

Well, I made it back to work… such a wonderful thing…. NOT!

I have come to believe that there are three types of travelers.  I also believer we all may pass through each type, depending on how much we travel.    Maybe it is three phases of travel?  Who knows?  Anyhow they are:
First is “I love to travel” type – this type usually travels little or just enough to enjoy the places they go and they are going for pleasure anyway.  Some may have wads of money to go first class at everything – which can make some difference.

Second is “It’s not all that bad” – this is the traveler – usually business person – in early stages of work or profession.  The travel is wearing and the work long but it can be handled with some side trips and interest peaking activities and the person probably likes what he or she is doing at the time…

Third is “ God when will this be over”  This traveler is wore out and having to make long trips to places they have seen before and have no desire to actually keep doing but is has become a duty – no – a burden to continue in order to maintain ones income.

You guessed it I am the third level traveler… I went through all three phases in my career… at one time I looked forward to travel – it got me away from work, new places to see and new restaurants to try…. Then I got into phase two – the travel was a bit much but I could make the most of it through some side trips and perks… now my travel is to the same damn place that is not the “Hilton” pleasure palace and I do not get to fly first class, as well as my butt gets really wore out on a 10 hour flight… so much so that it is sore most of the time from slouch setting in the seat…

Oh and let me tell you that airline seats or not comfortable and they never upgrade the damn cushion… after hundreds of butts have sat in one they are flat, hard and absolutely no way to make them reasonable… even in first class they have some problems… although you get the extra inch of width so you can wiggle a bit in the seat… That was my experience from Tuesday till Wed night… it takes me about 31 hours of up time and 15 hours of actual flight time to get to my work location… during this time there has to also be about 10 hours of setting on some airport seat… most of those are hard seats cause they don’t want you setting there very long… in big airports the people constantly are up and down, up and down… most do not realize that it is because your butt just hurts from all this….

Now to get on a reasonable sleep rotation???? The other thing that long travel really messes up – if you crossed several time zones you are not going to get even for some time but that is a topic for later…

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