Calendar Post by Month

August 2009


Look Forward to simple pleasures

Yep, there are those days that you really need to just look for the simple pleasures.  Some times it is a smile or handshake or someone doing something for you that you have totally forgotten needed doing…

Days here are generally pretty routine, very very long but routine.  Especially for me as my major function here is to write the reports and try to make sure things are all set up to work as expected.  They call it coordination, I sometimes call it “what-if” work… you try to “what-if” everything out so you hope you have most of the problems diverted before they are problems.

My days, in the routine, are to get started by 5 am… I make it most days, Ha! and at 5:30 we have safety meeting and if my students are assigned to work OJT (on the job training) I make the safety meeting and ensure they are showing up.  I then have to get back on the repots or prepare for future events.  Along the way I have to answer questions, put out small “unforeseen” fires and generally adjust to the changes the come.

While working on the reports there are a lot of “routine” days that just seem to lead to nothing accomplished… Today was one of those… did a lot of little things but nothing is to a finish point that can be savored.  But in the “routine” of the day I got several emails form an associate that was taking on the task of ensuring next weeks assignment of students was out and reviewed by those they would be working with… I had totally forgotten that small need to happen on this day and was really appreciative of that move on his part, not that it is not something he does infrequently but that it was done and I had totally lost the realization that it needed doing today…  A simple pleasure to know you can trust others to pick up where  forgot…

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