Calendar Post by Month

August 2009


It’s still the same ol’ smuck – no matter what they call it.

Well, guess what? It is still the same here. Hot, Dry and more report work that one cares to do. About all my job consists of, is tracking, and report writing. I am deep into the report now – spent yesterday hooked up trying to get it ironed out. Amazing that we do this to ourselves. I set up most of the tracking and didn’t do a good job of it… takes a ton of back-tracking to locate all the information necessary to accurately describe what each student has done over a 4 week period. Oh well, maybe I will get a better method some day. Most of what I have done in the past two days is would be classified “BORING” but it pays the bills, actually pays real well, cause no one else wants this job or I would have been fired a long time ago… ha!.

Tomorrow I have to attend a class on competency. This reminds me of the Pot and Kettle joke in a way… competency is a word not an outcome or function in today’s business world. Most companies really word-smith a lot about competency and having “competent” people doing the work, etc…. then someone promotes those that are “in-competent” (in my eyes) to be in charge? What is up with that…?

I should have learned a long time ago to remain in-competent and I would have been running this company by now – well, actually I would have had to subscribe to all the latest fashion words in the industry and kept up with all the latest focus statements but that shouldn’t have been too hard? My major problem is I giggle when they come out with a “new” direction for something… if you have been around long enough and look with your eyes “open” you will almost always see shades of “stuff” that was done before? Strange how that works but they always give it a new name or “handle”.

In simple terms – everyone want us to be competent… (definition= Know what the HELL your job is and know how to do it right – DUH!) I thought you became competent by trial and error and fixing your own errors (experience)… but today it requires a thousand classes to teach you the things you should learn before you get out there and how to use common sense… oh and common sense is not common anymore… but one can be competent in a job and have never done it right – you just have to get someone above you to say your competent (in writing now) and promote you.

As we learn new things we find out they are very similar to a lot of old things we have already learned but they all have new names…. That is how we progress… I guess It may be too late for me but I am going to that class to find out how to assess someone else to be competent when no one knows what it is…

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