Calendar Post by Month

August 2009


A Cycle of Care vs No-Care

I think it is a life function for everything to be in a “care” or “no-care” situation. The cycle exists more visiably here. When I first came there was little to look at other than industry and work items, but we did have a “special” area where certain entertainment activities occurred and some people (me included) would go to break the “work-cycle” – It was my attitude adjustment area.

One of the early inhabitants of this “independent” village deemed it necessary to build this area and he had a flare for “ponds” This area started with one small pond behind a “modified” container and every one called it the Golf Club. This is about the ponds he built. The first pond:


It was a very nice little pond, and he had “smuggled” some gold fish in for this pond… it had no outlet and was limited… The vision continued until we had 4 ponds here – three at the “golf-club” and one in front of the IT offices. They all looked real inviting and most of the material used was found or pulled locally.

Unfortunately, as with all things, the visionary for this retired. Those that had apprenticed under him and helped in the building kept the facility up and made some improvements over the next few years but they too have changed jobs, moved on or just can’t get into working on this project. So as one can guess it is now turned over to regular facility maintenance and the quality of the care is really lacking now… might I say it is going down-hill? Today the pond looks like this:


The fountains no longer have the spray head, the vegetation is about to over grow the whole thing. I wonder how many things in our own world, life or family goes through this same process? How much of it are we even aware of? Ho much it is going from good to bad before we try to reverse it and how much can not be reversed? Thought: If man can define (with in reason) accurately the decay of cycles like orbiting satellites, then why can’t we define the potential decay of those other things in life that go through decay? If one man could define these decay functions accurately or even within in some percentage and would act on that knowledge he could be enormously wealthy both materially and non-materially.

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