Calendar Post by Month

September 2009


It is just one setback after another…

It is unbelievable that so many things can go wrong so often?  Maybe it is just me or my Luck?

First, in the first week home, I get the new weather station, the new computer and am looking toward getting them all on the air and on the internet…. Wait…. The internet won’t stay up?  What’ss with that?  I got the computer working with the APRS but can’t get the software to stay connected and find it is not the software but the internet modem… it just does not want to work very long before it locks up… kind of like me… I don’t want to work much and find ways to avoid it…  so I get a new modem…  that takes a day or two to get it going as these things are never all that simple… but after a lot of tech help and several hours on line – we (me and ATT) get it working… but….

During the process I am on the phone and down stairs playing with the modem in the mechanical room… water starts backing up out of the drain?  What’s with that?  It goes back down and I figure that may I had bumped the drain pipe on the cooling unit and it drained or maybe the hot water heater over flowed…. But then it happens again and it is bigger this time?  Wait, the wife was using the washing machine ?  so k I go out and look at the clean out and water is standing in it… of course mopping is the call for the night to get all the sewer water moped out of the down stairs… UGH!… but we got that done and I went out the emergency switch for the sewer system  (we have a grind and pump thing cause we are downhill from the main line….) in the box the wires are pulled loose from the board, one of the terminals is hanging off and it is generally tore up… so I get a wire in place to make the manual switch work and hit that button to run the pump… it pulls the water out of the clean out pipe… ok… so we don’t get to use much water for awhile…

Next morning I call the builder and complain that his having pulled on the line and it being way to short while they built the wall and all the rain has settled the ground and finally pulled the wire out and the board is broke… between the two of us we find that there is yet another company that does the service work but I demand that the line be put in right… so we get an electrician and he send to get a new box… so it is yet another day to get the box in… I had taken the board out and put a temp fix on the connector but the pump will not work right?  The next day the electrician gets the new box on and the pump still will not work… call the service again on the system and they send the plumber out to fix it… he shows up and can’t really find anything wrong with wiring… so he puts in his spar pump – which is a much older one than mine but it works, the alarm works and we are good for the night…

The next morning, he brings back my pump and says it was plugged with grease?  That does not make much since to me as there are only two of us and se seldom cook and for sure never pore grease in the drain… but oh well, get my pump in and we test… well it is back in and we test and …. No alarm when the tank is full… the pump runs a little but  not a lot…? That night we do on load of laundry and the thing is full and not running?  So I have to go run the manual switch… the book says 3 minutes to empty the tank…and I have to hold the damn switch for 3 minutes to get that done… ok… so he ( the plumber for the company) meets with the company rep in Moore to fix another unit that wont pump… in the meantime I am having to hold the button every time we shower, wash or anything… I do one load of laundry and it fails to pump so I call the plumber and let him know… he says he has ordered new switches for both the alarm and level control and they will be in next week… great a weekend of switch holding… at this point (Monday) that is still not fixed… in the meantime I am working on the weather station and the APRS radio stuff…  this evening I started to do the TV on my new computer… no sound?  – huh?  So I start to pull the computer out of the desk and it bumps a little and shuts down… ?  won’t come back on either… now what?  I Can’t find anything out of place, the little led (green) on the motherboard is it but lit but it won’t turn on… and it runs the weather station, APRS, everything in the shop was to be working on that … I pull everything out, no shorts no out of place wires,????? So I put everything back… still does not work… maybe the motherboard gave up already… ?  I have no way of testing it to find out what failed. So it is one week until I go back to work… and I set here with time to write this blog but :

The sewer is broke…

The new computer is broke….

Which means no weather station, no internet posts, no APRS, none of that is up..

The weather station is still not finished – waiting on the anemometer parts… and I have to go push the button so I can take a shower…  and today the internet was locking up (this morning) but maybe that is someone else’s problem, it has worked ok all afternoon since then… ?  I sure hope nothing else craters on me this week…

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