Calendar Post by Month

September 2009


One thing at a time…..

Well, the fix on the weather station came first… got that up yesterday and now we have wind, direction and all that other stuff… pretty cool.   So one thing was fixed….. But, as I said yesterday the computer it runs off of for the internet died… I spent some time with it and then decided – HEY!… hook up the hard drive and run the stuff temp on the laptop… all the data is there and won’t need much for an install… I pull the HD – put it in a USB drive controller and the power on that unit goes blank????? Huh? So it may have been the HD that crashed not the MB or the power supply, which I changed out and that did not fix it… so ??? hey turn on the computer and see if the fans work and then we know it was the HD… so I turn it on – fires up – and smoke rolls from the NIC card – oh boy more stuff going bad…. Just what I need .   So I RMA the motherboard before I find the HD problem – then I RMA the HD … Well today the MB came in but no HD…

I could not wait on the repairs so I jumped in and reloaded the basic software on the laptop and got it all working last night – I am getting pretty good at this software – loading and re-loading… but anyway I got the weather station and the APRS back up on the laptop… temp.

Oh, earlier last week I had ordered a new ball for my weed eater (I have a big wheel model that has a ball to keep it level)… the old one came off – well stupid me – I did not disassemble it to make sure that was all that was broke but ordered  just that part… today I pick up that part and come home to put it on… I find that the bearing in the ball is shot as well so I will have to go back and order the rest of the pieces tomorrow and it won’t get fixed until I get home now… one more small disaster this trip…

Yesterday during all this other fun, they came back with the “fixed” sewerage grinder pump and it works… I tested it out today – did two loads of laundry and one dishwasher load and no water in the drains… hey that is great – knock, knock on wood… it better stay that way…

So let’s see…

Disaster 1 – bad DSL modem – appears to be fixed…..

Disaster 2 – sewage pump won’t pump – appears to be fixed….

Disaster 3 – new computer grinds to a halt – not fixed… and now the NIC is also burnt? what next

Disaster 4 – weather station bad parts – fixed (for now)…

Disaster 5 – getting it all on the internet so I can see it from far away – not fixed – see item 3…

Disaster 6 – weed eater coming apart – not fixed – not enough parts yet… ($11 is just not enough to fix anything here)….

Now what else will I need to fix… oh yea, with a new HD, I will have to reload software – ALL OF IT!…

I still have a big list of things I had intended to get done on the motor home – only got the front clearance light re-sealed (I hope)… oh but I did get the battery tray and water fill put on so that was a positive…? I think.

I would much rather be out in the motor home seeing the country than setting here but can’t pull up and leave just yet…

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