Calendar Post by Month

September 2009


Back to work and repairs in progress

Well, I it is time to prepare for that trip back to work.  The time spent away supports all the hobbies and living things so I have to get that part in as well.

I have the “rebuilt” new computer on the air, most things seem to be working ok.  a few hangups that I may never find answers for but for the  most part it works.  I have it pretty much automated for the weather station and that part seems to work well with the daily reset of the computer.  Only time will tell how well it works.  I am still having a few issues with the Ham related stuff , not always reading the com port or starting properly but not much I can do about that right now.  I have reloaded nearly all the software necessary to keep it up, but not all the stuff I had for other play , like my video programs to pull old tapes and get them converted to digital format.  I will have to work on that next trip home.  Is is becoming obvious that I need some antenna height for some of my stuff to work better… I am in a hole here (not as bad as I had in Duncan but still a hole).

Plans for the future are to get a tower of some version put up for height… get some more antennas put up with some HF things to work on next trip.   I also need to get back to work on those airplanes I have all the cans for.  should make a few next trip home in-between other stuff… Do a little HF radio work and start working on some consolidation of power supply units and cut down on wasted electric use.   Things are coming together slowly here and I have plenty to yet do.

I really need to get started with the focus on supplies for my return work rotation and just list out what I will have to do when I get home.

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