Calendar Post by Month

October 2009


As the old Western Tune “Back in the Saddle Again”

Yep, I am back at work.  With all the usual problems – not being able to sleep at night, not knowing what went on while I was gone, not really caring about being back…. TADA!

I am into my full third day and am still working on stuff  that I should not need to work on, but it is necessary to just get to where I can work on the real stuff needed… oh well.  I have made out my “most important” list to work from and started hacking away at that in-between doing the little things so I can get to one of the “most important”…

I remember when I was younger that my mother could smell when I had not taking a bath.  She had a super sensitive nose and could smell things way off – especially offensive things… Well let me tell you she would have no nose hairs left after a few days here.  I never realized that if your have to associate with “extremely” offensive body oder that it is just like H2S gas… once you have been in it for a few seconds the smell disappears – honestly you can’t tell that it is real bad until you get a full sinus of fresh air… If you can put up with the first 15 minutes of a class with the students you loose all sensitivity to the smell (without that fresh air blast).   Personal Hygiene is so bad here that I have had students that wear the same cloths for 2 weeks straight.  It is a mystery to me how they can be that wretched.  I have even had some groups where special individuals are so bad the others can’t stand them and push them to clean up – once… it never lasts because they will slip back into the “Never Bathing”  syndrome within a day or two.  It would be one thing if they were coming in from working hard all day but this happens at the beginning of the day and they have not done anything yet…

Oh well, back to other thoughts for the day – the weather station at home seems to be working great.  I hope to focus on raising the antennas or getting some kind of tower up as soon as possible.  I need to come up with some form of remote access to the ham computer – at least from within my own network, so I can play with a few things and not always have to be in the shop for all of it… need to be able to see the full desktop from a remote laptop and be able to control all things running – and so far from my tests that is not what happens with the remote built into win7 or vista?  A bit more study on that before I get home and do some testing on different things.  So there is another project that can be done a little from here – study… help break up the time I spend here.

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