Calendar Post by Month

October 2009


Focus – Fool – Focus

Yep, it is that time in the rotation of work/off that I need to keep telling myself to Focus.  The first two weeks are usually total Chaos and the final two, are – well – you just don’t care by then… So I have to work at staying in line to get the rest of my items done.

On another line – the weather station and APRS digi seem to be working fine.  I do have a problem of being heard by any other stations and I am not sure that if I do put up a tower and get another 15 to 20 feet in height that it will be a much better but surely I can hit and hear OKC or Enid better and that would link me to the others.  It is working on the internet pretty well and shows up all the time so that is the main point and if the local club can get their digi back up and I can help with that by supplying hard-line or something else, then I won’t need a great deal of height but I do need more to cover town a bit better… so I will look for a tower, or pipe mast, or something to get the antennas up where they can do some good.

On the other end, still looking for a wireless camera to link to the weather station.  Haven’t looked too hard but have seen a few that might work.  Not just real sure what I need for this and what will work out.  Guess I should do a bit more research on that.  Oh well no hurry I guess. Plenty of things to work on while I decide on that.

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