Calendar Post by Month

October 2009


More Focus on time off

I had a slow day today.  Actually did a lot but it didn’t seem like much.  So in the “betweener” times I thought some about things at home that I want to get done.

Strange that just as I am looking someone lists a tower for sale – in Logan county… guessing somewhere near Guthrie.  They listed it 4 or 5 different times so I am not sure if it is one or many they have for sale?  When I get home I will try to check it out as quick as possible, see if it is worth the try and maybe get it home to make a few modification and get it up.  The price it right if it is a full unit (not missing all the appurtenant things to make it work.  From the pictures I could not tell if it had a base plate, winch, cable, or anything else necessary?  That will need to be identified with a visit.

Once that is purchased I will need to get the hole guy to dig a big hole to put the base structure in and cement up as it will take a lot to hold it and I may need to set a guy post or two – something I didn’t want to do but with this tower it will be required.

After the holes and setting the base structure and putting the tower on the base – I will need to get the coax for it as I am sure what I have is old, wet, and not quality anymore, although I do have one run of new stuff that has never been up on a tower, I think.  But I will need 3 or 4 runs at least.  That will take care of the ham stuff for awhile.  I need to also try to get up a long wire antenna for HF temporary before I get the inverted V up on the tower…

Outside the hobby stuff, I need to push to get the construction work done for the retaining wall, fill dirt in and that side of the house smoothed out.  Do some more work and put some concrete patch in the “snake river” to stop wash-outs and general clean up.  I guess we are not going to get much of the landscape done this fall, although we need to look at a few more trees on the north side of the barn – maybe.

Then there is the motor home that needs a little service, starting, cleaning, etc.  the black water and grey water tank need to be flushed out and the water drained so it wont freeze, make sure the battery thing I put on last month is working fine and top out the batteries, etc.  I also need to get the back vent cover put on and put on some seal around the front lap and antennas.  Much to do with a variety of other attractions during the weekends.  Oh well, I can stay busy this way…

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