Calendar Post by Month

December 2009


OH boy – its 1/2 time

Just made it past half way… I guess that is a positive since I have at least made it?

It is damn cold in the mornings here – temp says 45 but feels like 30? maybe I have gotten thin blood here as well? – Maybe I have been here too long? Although I see it is damn cold at home as well… maybe I am having sympathy shivers?
They (Algeria or HR) must expect that I will continue to come back as they just got me another 2 year work visa – not sure I am happy about that or not but it does mean I don’t have to put up with renewing every trip out on those 90 day deals…
I have been overwhelmed this trip as I have been by-my-self most of this rotation trying to do 2 or 3 peoples jobs here. First week clerk was out and other coordinator had to leave on my third day to go home..(family issue). Clerk got back at start of second week but she had tendered her resignation so was not highly motivated but better than some other that are in that position. I have one class going with two more to start Thursday – I might get a little thin next week? I really don’t have to teach any of these but keeping things in line is more than a full time job. I also have weekly, monthly and module reports that need to be out and planning for several important trips at the start of next year. Can you say busy?

On my other interest, I am seeing some problems with the software on the Amateur computer. For some reason the internet link for the weather station on that side is dumping out – usually after some use? The actual WX reports are still going form the weather software just not updates on the APRS side? will require some investigation to see why it is either logging out, locking up or what ?
I am doing some study, think I may go ahead and try to get my Extra class by summer… not that I need it but is a goal that should have been done some time ago.
I also need to get plans set to upgrade the server storage and get the extra drive in the shop computer and set up the RAID system so I don’t have a cat-ass-trophy if something goes down… That requires study and searches on NAS systems – it has been recommended to get one using Windows Home Server? help with auto backup and stuff like that? Will have to learn more and see what can be done.
Other than those events – I am really tired – but that happens when you sleep less, start in the office at 4amand don’t get out till 6pm… too much to get done before I leave but feel I have to… who else is going to?

Back to the grind.

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