Calendar Post by Month

February 2010


TAX – this sucks!


Have spent most of the last 4 days working on taxes… and it truly sucks. Every year they make it harder to figure out what goes where. I suspect that is in an effort to keep everyone confused about what is right and wrong so they can get more of your money no matter if you think it is right they an audit it and prove your wrong… or you just can find all the right places to get credit to keep from paying too much… All that said, I believer in the FAIR TAX proposal but have few hopes our greedy congress and government will ever let the happen just like 30 years of talking “balance the budget” and that only leads to getting further out of Whack… RING!!!!!!! pessimist speaking – time to cut that subject off…

Had fun but was totally wore out from the weekend – actually it was some carry-over from the delay in getting home and then all the running from Friday morning through Sunday… games to go to, shopping to do – new cell phones – etc… whew!… then jump right in on taxes Monday morning – tired… hadn’t ever gotten to the radio until yesterday for one contact…

Spent some time trying to get the weather station to show the correct rainfall total for the year… it was showing total from the beginning of the station? maybe that is what it is suppose to show but that did not seem right… anyway , I messed it up to show no rain then put in some rain and now? I am not sure what it shows… guess I should learn to leave thing alone? ha… not going to happen.

Still need to get some towers up here… should get started on the welding or something soon? make some more calls and get the materials set up… also check on getting some holes dug… and got a repair part for the Motorhome CO monitor to put in… oh well, guess I should have enough to do with bad weather coming for a few days..

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