Calendar Post by Month

March 2010


Tower/Antenna work

I have waited for a week now… impatiently to get my new tower and start with the install… actually not a real tower but a pipe – foldover tower I am having made. will be 46ft tall and will lay down to the ground so I can work on things… really need to cut out the climbing. Anyway no word yet on the finish by the welder. Once I hear from him I can get the help set up to bore hole (30 inches diameter by 5 ft deep) and get the base portion set in concrete. Wanted it done before I head back to work for a month, but that may not happen due to weather and everyone else not being in the same rush I am… ha!.
I also have not gotten the vertical up to play with… got a new BB7V to put up and carry when out in motorhome but have not decided on how to mount it with motorhome and that brings a delay in getting it up for house as well. I also have to get some coax run under motorhome to the front (where the radio will mount) from the real(where the antenna will mount). It has been cold and wet and generally not nice enough for me to lay on the ground to run that cable so – I have procrastinated on both projects. Now it will be too late to do either. I am hoping for much better weather my next shot home so I can get these little projects put together and finished up.
Will have pictures of both when I get on them.

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