Calendar Post by Month

April 2010


Tower project – continued

Well yesterday we got the hole dug and the base unit set in concrete.

Starting the 30 inch hole (actually measured 36 at surface]


Here we are about 1/2 of the total depth = 3.0ft.”


We got 3/4 inch rain during the night so it was pretty wet, but I wanted it dug in and figured we could get that “skid-loader with attachment” in that far. the top was muddy and our soil here is really a lot of clay so it was balled up bad at start but mellowed out at 3ft… the loader made some terrible tracks as he had to back up to dump out the dirt then move back in to dig more, the back and forth on this made a mess of the yard but hey! we got it dug and planted… so happy for that…

Today I worked on getting the winch mounted on the plate and getting the cable run over the top. I also pulled the forms and supports that we used to keep it plumb while we poured… this is what it looked like when I had removed the ropes and guys but still had the concrete forms and staked support:

Here it is with the frame still on the concrete and one support


This is what it looked like after I had gotten the winch mounted and the cable pulled through as well as the forms pulled off… now to get a box and pipe to bury the coax and lines to the building wall and run them in through and out of the way of the mower… Also need to get some ground rods put in as well…
with winch in place and cable pulled through


Still a lot to do while the concrete cures and I get things ready for the mast to be attached and pulled up.

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