Calendar Post by Month

April 2010


Tower Project – part III

Well while we wait for the concrete to gain strength, figure to give it nearly a week but it probably didn’t need more than a few days… I started on the minor pieces. I guess they are minor but in reality they may be major?
Anyway, got the parts and put in a sealed and buried pipe to run coax from inside to the base of tower:
Well the conduit is all in and ready for coax”]


the inside conduit box with cover off showing hole to outside..

I got all the conduit in except to raise the outlet (see first picture) at the tower as I needed a coupling… This was all done on Sunday, along with having to do some planting in the yard and I wasted a little time on getting a few more parts (power wire for the winch). So Monday I find I need another coupling to get the outlet raised up… and it was cold and windy in the morning so I didn’t get much outside done. Tuesday I got the coax out and strung through the conduit and cut to length…

the coax run and set up…



I ran 3 full length pieces for the tower and one short piece as I will use the 1/2 inch hard-line for one of the antennas (see roll in background). I also ran a set of power wires for the winch as it needs 12 volts and I have a battery and power supply inside.
Now I need to put on some ends (inside) and we are ready to put the main part on and raise it up, maybe tomorrow.

Once it is attached and test raise and lower at least once, I will mount the rotator on the top – but will not be using it for a while, along with strapping on the coax up the tower. I still need to feed through the rotor cable and some ladder line for the dipole but that can wait for a while as I do not have enough ladder line and the rotor will just be up out of the way… but needed for the length of coax and loop.
So, slowly but surely we get the pieces put together for this.

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