Calendar Post by Month

May 2010


More up on the tower

A day without strong winds. So , pulled the tower down, and put up the rest of the feed lines and cross member, as well as moved the temp TV antenna up on the tower… Additions:

Adding stuff to the tower”]



The move of the TV antenna did not help with the signals much? I thought moving it up 20 feet would make a difference but after a re-scan of the digital channels , nothing changed. at least no new ones, still the same things.

I tested the discone and it works, not great but was hearing such things as the Mannford UHF and Blackwell VHF… pretty good for a no-gain omni… Maybe I will get a new Vertical for the top and move the dual bander down to that spot? I ran a length of coax to the other side but mainly plan to use it for hanging off the windom.

Did not have a guy ring big enough for the top section so that will wait… thinking I may have to guy when I try to hang the windom as it moves a lot up there…

I cleaned up the lower stuff as well and go all the cables in the shack and tied down:
all cables feed through to conduit”



showing also ground wire to tower”]



I have also run a ground wire to the tower and into the shack from the ground rod. Things taking shape and not too much more to work on except more contacts… That will come with time.

I also got a little started on running coax in the mortor home for the rig in the front. final plans are to just get another push up pole and do away with the hitch mount antenna… fix an attachment for the push up on the drive side slide. getting coax run into the front and hanging it off with front access only. Still need to find some way to protect the ends? Some kind of rubber end caps that would fit on tight and seal up the ends?

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