Man I wish I had been able to see this coming.. seems someone (according to a CNBC report) figured out that since September last year the market has gone down (on average weekly) .4 percent on Fridays and up .7 percent on Mondays… oooooh if I have just been average and following that magic I could be way richer today?
Another great truth that “figures never lie, but liars always figure”…. Or is there something prophetic here?
Update: Monday
Well, unless the market does a double take and bounds way out… this theory may not hold water , but this is just one day and that does not make an average but we are looking pretty bad for the Sell Monday and Buy Friday… or maybe it was buy early Monday and sell Early Friday? Right now – I dont have a clue and glad I didnt jump on this one yet. As with all numbers, read and adhear to you own level of risk.