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May 2010


Another hobby – good info to pass on

I know…. as you read this you’re thinking man how many hobbies and interests can you have? It also can make a blog hard to follow, cause I am jumping topics as fast as I write stuff up…. he! but oh well.
In one of my free moments I got down to catching up with some of my Yaaaa-who groups… one of them is gpsstash. Yea, I do a little Geocache hunting at times and enjoy it a lot. I more enjoy the cache that has some history or local knowledge significance but, I also enjoy the challenge of just finding them too. Anyway, in reading my groups letters I came across something that I fully agree with about Geocaching:

“In 1976 there was a movie called Network in which a major network news
anchor takes a look at the world around him and declares that life is
“Bullshit”. His statement of “I’m mad a hell and I’m not going to take
it anymore!” becomes a rallying cry for those who believed as he did.
Well folks, recent events have led me to look at Geocaching and declare
that it is becoming “Bullshit”. And I’m mad as hell and I won’t take it

— Zeke’s Uncle

Read more:

The comment was, shall we say, off the wall and gave indication he was quitting, but with a little reading of the link – he explains what is wrong, what needs to be done and asks all to help….
I was just going to let it be filed away in my memory for later but then some damn fool, that didn’t make the effort to go read the associated link page, waded in with :

Okay, so don’t geocache anymore. I, on the other hand, enjoy the hell out of
this hobby. Since I am now retired, I have had more time to devote to the hobby.
It keeps me moving and brings me to very interesting places.

As you exit the geocaching world don’t let the door hit your &%!# on the way

A Geocaching Fanatic”

I can see that the original post was not totally clear but What a complete Moron!. If this is actually what this guys feels after reading the associated link, I need to ensure I put him on ignore. Especially if you’re a fanatic about the hobby you should at least want it to be “self-policed”, respective of private property, respective of others, ensure that people are aware of any dangers, etc. That is what the thought was behind the post by Zeke’s Uncle, at least that is what I got when I read the associated link. Not that he was quitting due to some idiots making poor judgement in hiding caches. Maybe I could see how the original post might be miss-interpreted but, just like so many other things today ( AZ law on immigration, Fed Health care bill, etc. ) until you read it,all of it, you don’t really know what is says. Could this also be an outcome of the “texting” society? Where we have to condense our thoughts into less than 160 characters and we have to shrink words to keep it on the screen, and we move to cryptology based writing? Again, I digress, back to the main subject, “Proper and respectful Geocaching”, I fully agree with Zeke’s Uncle and his website comment. I also wish more people would read and follow the published “standards” of Geocaching and maybe have to find a set number before they can place and publish a cache? Not that this alone would change some but maybe it would limit some of the bad? Just thoughts on the subject.

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