Calendar Post by Month

June 2010



Another slow start to the day… stayed up late last night – doing nothing but I did it anyway….
Finished up yesterdays post mostly… put in some pictures then we went to Breakfast… not the greatest so will not elaborate on it.
Got back and tried the internet, does not work well out here… but read a few emails and then took off with B-Inlaw to drilling site. He is to work today on welding repairs for the rig moving. This is small time stuff (sorry but true) shallow wells in a very difficult area to produce and mostly they have learned the hard way that anything you do after drilling including producing too hard will pull in the debris and the well dies… The well hear is the oldest west of the Mississippi… first one done late 1890’s ? hand dug stuff then… 30 years ago I saw wells with old wooden walking beams pumping a few barrels a day and had been doing it for 50 years? The wells up until early 90s were all drilled by “spudding” units as the only real method to produce these “no” pressure wells… With technology they are doing better at getting to the oil in a short period but the decline is steep and they make it worse trying some of the standard stimulation methods… but oh well, every place is a learning experience… Anyway I spent a few hours there and had all I needed and came back in.
You would think I had filled up on “green chili” but we have one last shot… strange place, called “big burger world” but they do a great “green chili burger” and the price is amazingly cheap for what you get… open face bun, two hamburger patties, covered with several ladles of green chile then cover that with cheese and lettuce and tomato… it sure it good… I am not sure but think the green chili is home-made stuff as it have a different flavor than most… … this place also makes the best “fresh fruit” shakes when the fruit is in season… now – Strawberries and Black raspberries were the special… of course we got one of the Large fresh Strawberries but will put in freezer for tomorrow as we are so full of the left over “cold-stone creamery” ice-cream specials we could not eat all of yesterday.. 😀 We gotta quit eating as we are not exercising enough for what we are putting down…. 😉
After all that we made a run to the store and picked up some chicken breasts and marinade fixin’s and put it together for the evening meal – grilled chicken breast and grilled veggies w/mushrooms… actually this meal was pretty good for us if we had left out the ice cream left over and stuff like that… sorry no pictures and I should have as some of it was excellent…
After all that I went through a reset of the tire pressure monitor thing (Pressure Pro) to get the senders on the right wheel locations and got all the tires aired up proper for the trip home…and that was it with a little TV, little cool weather tonight – light breeze and temps in the 70’s at 7pm as well as humidity at 30%… it is really nice…
So tomorrow we start home after a few activities in the morning…

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