Calendar Post by Month

June 2010



On the way home… well after a little morning activity… Our niece is in her first year of 4H with a horse. She is doing all the “horse” things they do – showmanship, riding, etc…
Emily and the horse show”]


We stayed for the first session but her activities would go all day so we left at 10am – went back to the motor home and finished packing things up and getting ready to hit the road…

We left there at about 11:00 am and headed east… it was starting to get hot and by the time we hit LaJunta it was 95… in Lamar it was 101… sure glad I got the air fixed on the cab end… it helped a lot…

Stopped in Lamar to have lunch – at the Taco Johns. We used to save up for a Friday night dinner their way back when… it has changed a lot since then… back then it was a 12 x 40 portable building and standing room only in the front… no seats just get it and go… much nicer now… but the food is not as good as I remember… but we were pretty poor back then and this was a big treat for us to get to eat out here once a week… After that short stop we moved on East through the remaining portions of Colorado by the Camp Amache… This is just west of Granada… In all the time we lived out there we never stopped to look? should do that some day but when it is hot you just want to keep moving… Also saw the sign to the Sand Creek Massacre site… it is now a National Historic site… back then it was just out there. I had been near it many times working but in those days it was on private land and we never got up there… should go do that some day as well…

The rest of the trip was pretty un-eventful. We got into Garden City , rather on the north side as the road now bypasses the city… we stopped at the truck stop/visitor information center… found some info on camping – seems there are 500 sites at the Finney county Fairgrounds… Geez that is worth a look… so we took the 50 business route south to the fairgrounds and found that the 500 sites are in the parking lot of the fair grounds — not too inviting. We did some looking and checking and found an RV camp on the east side according to the “smart phone” search and it had some good and some bad rating but worth a shot as it had trees and it was 101 out…
We found the RV camp – not to bad but right next to a really bad trailer part? at least the part we could see driving in was not too nice looking… but the RV park had 50-amp and full hookups and we only wanted one night anyway… decent sized pull-thru, but appears to be a site for traveling workers… which is ok as long as it is clean and decent service…
We got all set up, turned on the air and hoped it would cool down… it did… we stuck it out in the motor home and didn’t even unhook the jeep to go to town… too hot and too tired… Like I have said before, I think we need to limit to 300 miles or less on travel days and try not to string travel days one right after the other… not like we did back in the old days and with the kids… we would make 10 day trips and cover 3500 miles in that time and see all the sites… but we were younger and full of “it” back then…
Tomorrow we will make it for home on the last leg…

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