Calendar Post by Month

June 2010



The final day on the road. Spent the night in Garden City… nothing big to tell there… left early enough to get to Dodge well before lunch so un-hooked the jeep and made a tour…. I had only ever been at the “tourist trap” area and nothing else… They have a lot of really big churches and several college connections… Nice Community college and another college annex on the NE side of town. It appeared to be an old Catholic school?

There is also a new casino on the NW side of town that is growing still… ? we are familiar with the Indian casino’s but this did not have any name connection that we could find, to the indians so ? but nice anyway…

Headed south from there and then took the “scenic” road along hwy 160 from 283 to Kansas 1… didn’t stop for anything along the route just looked at the variation between the flat to the north and the breaks at 160 (ranch land) and the red-earth to the south in Oklahoma… we dropped south then along the 64/11 hwy… not a bad road and very few actual stops between the junction at Oklahoma 34 and I-35… make good time across that open country.
south at I-35 and hit a rain storm north of Perry… looked like we might get washed away but was just a nice summer shower… pulled in to home at 5:30 +/- and got unloaded…

Then spent a few hours getting some things fixed… first the weather station that locked out 9 days ago… still no answer but it is working – I think.
Then limited prep work on the coax for the external Cell antenna that – stupid me – ran through the slide instead of drilling a hole and it cut the cable in two by the wiggle of the slide in driving (first day out)…
Now to find a gromet of the right order to run it through a “drilled-hole” in the side and seal it all up… proper..
then re-work the other laptop to get it to start and by then it was late enough to shower and off to bed…
Tomorrow is a repair and prep day of sorts…see if I can get the gromet like I want, do a few minor preps and get schedule to get the motor home in for a wash and wax ( have never done it myself and does not look like I will get to it either so just hire someone else to do it – better and cheaper than my-own-time)…
And that was how it went for the June Vacation to the mountains….

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