Calendar Post by Month

June 2010


It is not rocket science

Yep , today was a not for rocket scientists… day. Spent much of the morning looking for a 25-cent repair part that no one keeps anymore… With the change to cell phones there are no need for radio repair shops and installation shops and they used to carry a large assortment of “grommets” that would fill in the holes made by antenna mounts, coax runs, etc… I wanted one that would fill a 7/16 size hole – or less, and allow to run an RG-58 cable through the middle… these were made of rubber and would “pop” right in the hole and seal it up so no water would get in… my need? to fix the coax for the cell phone amp and run it through the wall this time – via the grommets to seal the hole from water leaks… but alas I could not find these simple seals parts… I did find some similar ones at an auto shop that does custom work. They would do in-a-pinch but had to cut off the tip end so the coax could go through them and then would have to glue them in place as they would not have the back side to hold it in place… only choice on the notice I had. So I got two, cut off the back and then proceeded to get the coax through the “under-size” hole… that was a struggle in its own right but with a little help of lube, I got one on… At this point… I forgot to see if the nut and washer to hold the antenna on would slip over… guess what – no way. So I had to take the grommet off, slip off the nut and washer, put the antenna on the mount then push the grommet back on the coax and then the coax through a hole I had carefully drilled in the side of the motor home to run the coax in… finally ever a lot of struggle I got it in place and run through – then to put one on the other side to seal up both… used some “goop” marine glue to make sure the hole would be sealed water tight for a long time… push the two grommets in as far as I could to hold tight on both sides of the wall… the final product is…. tada…
Cell antenna remote and showing coax entry (black spot below awning)”]


Inside entry of coax and repair (white section).”]




Next, I had to fix the refrigerator door handle… It broke last Wed and I found and ordered the repair handle that night on-line from –
Replaced Refrig door \”locking\” handle – the lock broke out of the old one”]



Those parts came today at about noon so I proceeded to put it on… simple enough even I can do this one – two screws and a little attention to the fact it slips in to the door panel to get the screw holes aligned up and “POOF” it is on place…

In-between all this fun stuff I stopped on the motor home to bury the “drive-way” alarm we got 2 weeks ago at Lowes… it works – (I can’t hear it) but they tell me it works fine… that little-bit of digging and covering to ensure we didn’t mow the cable up ;)….

Then back to Motor home repairs… my last repair for today was to fix the drip rail on the bottom of the shower door… the double-sided sticky tape had given up two days ago… I debated on gluing with the Goop since I had it out but thought better of it… “what if i need to replace or repair?” best put it back on with a couple of metal screws in the bottom of the door… ok that caused the need to find two screws, get the drill, bits, driver, etc… gathered up all the tools went back in, locked the rail in place, tested it to make sure it was at the right height, etc… then drilled two holes and put the screws in… WaaaLaaa… one more engineering marvel worked out in a “not for rocket scientist day”…

Drip rail back in place with only two screws needed to keep it tight… “]


What magic is in store for tomorrow? I will take the motor home down to be exterior detailed… (washed and waxed)… I waxed it 5 years ago and that was more of a job than I cared for and if I can get someone to do it for $300 and I do not have to supply any of the wax or material… that is cheap in my books… beyond that , I have no idea but sure glad it cooled off outside… temps were not too bad by 5pm and even better at 7pm… oh and I did a little more work on the weather station data to make sure it is tracking and showing this months and correct yearly rain total… for some reason it goes to zero if you lose a day… – right-now it all appears to be working as it should…

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