Calendar Post by Month

June 2010


I wish I hadn’t

Today was a “wish I hadn’t day… Wish I hadn’t come home from vacation. When you been gone it seems there is just a bunch more stuff that needs to be done… so today was a day to get more done…
6 hours of running the 2-wheel weed eater… trimming things back to the fence and away from under stuff, etc… It has to be done about 3 times a year to keep from having an “encroaching” jungle… Still have some stuff that needs a bit of “whacking” but for the most part it is cleaned up now… This cleaning also reduces “hiding” places for snakes, varmints, ticks, etc…
So, I am just plain wore out tonight and not anything else I can tell…

Other than, we have a puppy… well it is about 8 to 10 months old… but she still chews on everything you leave out… we have her “lock-up” box in the laundry room. That is where she sleeps at night and during times we are out (with-out her)… not bad it is far bigger than she is… Anyway, after the trip we dumped the dirty cloths in the laundry room, wife did a “separation” ritual to put like things together… you know… stuff I seldom do. But with that we must have left the jean shorts too close to the cage… the puppy somehow got them pulled up to the cage and almost in… then proceeded to chew holes in three sets… to the point most are not wearable now… at least not in public… What a wonderful thing to came back in to after several hours of “weed-whacking”. That forced me to buy two more pair of shorts today… “wish I hadn’t left stuff too close to the puppy”.

Such fun

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