Calendar Post by Month

June 2010


Note to self – more study needed

Study up on some form of remote computer access. Like “LogMeIn” or something… make repairs much easier in the future when you might be able to see it with out driving across country to get in front of it?

Well, guess that will not help much if it is not hooked up to the internet… oh well… good thoughts.

Made a trip to help Dad get his computer back on-line… when I got there it was on-line, just that he had a bad address in the “normal” icon link to his homepage and it would not make it come up as he wanted to see it… Although the picture (wifi) frame did not work for some reason… I got that back on-line and find that it does not lock in when the wifi goes down it resets to …… “no-where”. ? Strange it should remember the settings and go back to where it was before it lost connections? will have to study on that one as well.
I also had problems making my laptop work through the wifi… it used to but now will not connect out? Strange we only implemented Mac control and the mac was in the router but would not allow me to make an internet connection….??????? the picture frame and his computer worked fine – one by hardwire one by wifi… stands to reason that if the wifi for the picture frame worked (and we didn’t change any of that) my laptop should work but no way that was going to happen… so I put in the MAC for my smart phone and it would not get out either??? so this little puzzle will need more attention (some day)…

That was the extent of my day – other than getting two more old barn pictures – I do that when I am driving and thinking about it, and see some old barn that has character or just looks neat… this is what I got today…

Fixed up and useable— better than the windmill?”]


It ahs seem some days but still does the job!”]


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