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July 2010


Actual things from way back in Colorado History… pretty cool reading.

Took these from the book “Men to Match my Mountain’s by Irving Stone”.

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It is a history book of sorts as it covers the Opening of the Far West, including the Gold Rush days of the 1800’s and how we were setting the beginnings of our laws, communities and way-of-life.

I found it especially interesting as I have lived and worked in these areas at one time and there is a link by knowing the area as well as the history.   I really enjoyed the humor in many of the sections. Even during such difficult times they could find humor in what they did. There are also many accounts of greed, determination, drive, desire, religion, politics etc. that can be in carbon copy events of today. It would appear that things haven’t changed all that much except for technology. Here are but a few of the humorous and true things that happened back then.

A Denver paper ad during the gold rush days – one must understand women were in very short supply at these times

Wanted:  A girl to do housework. She will be permitted to receive company every day of the week, and a good substantial fence will be provided to lean against while courting.
Domestic law in Colorado during the gold rush… Colorado’s first divorce, the court approved the husband’s official quitclaim deed:

“Know all men by these presents, that I, John Howard of Canyon City, do hereby give, grant, convey and quit-claim all my right, title and interest to the undivided whole of that ancient estate known as Mary Howard”.
I don’t think we could get by with such statements today but and I suppose even back then the people of Canon City got a chuckle out of seeing that published. I guess he would have to publish it?

If you like Western History, I highly recommend this book and the price is right no matter. Sure wish history books back in my school days had been written this way. All I remember of those books was blah blah blah – date.

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