The title occurred to me, as I completed several tasks, that should have been really simple. I struggled for days – no weeks – over auto-updates that went bad, getting spam comments and How to stop or filter them, What do I need to clean up next, Where the Hell is that logo at that I want to change, you know simple stuff that the computer whiz guys could have done in an hour?
It comes from the fact that the few really competent writers are now able to put out just about anything we, the many incompetent users, ask for. “If there is a need fill it”, seems to be a common denominator of software writing. I guess that somehow relates to the input costs are limited mostly to time for writers to produce something in the hopes that a multitude of uses want and are willing to pay for. Anyway….
I use WordPress for this blog and it is really nice but at times frustrating to the max. Add to that all the multiple plug-ins and themes, and widgets, and pages, and other things you can do and it gets a bit complicated. For those of us that are just “partially” computer/software competent, I find it amazing that so many writers can do so much to make it easier for us (the in-competent) to look like we know what we are doing. Even in that praise there is a bit of reluctance. They don’t always make the stuff understandable for all of us.
I am not saying all of us less-competent beings are good with what they give us, It is just amazing that they do provide so much. In my case, when I needed to fix a broken update, I had to search a lot of places but found some hints about fixing them and that lead to the fix I used for my broken update. I also got several “spam”comments recently, so I started hunting and found a few fixes to plug-in that I hope will do the job of drastically reducing them? We will see.
In particular my case of writing this blog is who cares whether it makes sense or is read by many. Well actually I am interested but I don’t think it will change my style or focus. I do this because I want to, not because I am trying to make money, tell an important story or anything more important than “it makes me think about daily things like I have never done before”, especially when you think about writing what is going on.
Getting to the point, I note the fact “I don’t care if I make money” because one of the most recent “ping-back” comments was from a tweet made by some person or site about learn to blog and make money. I am not going to credit the exact site here as it appeared to be borderline spam comments to me (skeptical old me), which caused me to search out the “limiters” for such things. I have kept the comment because I find it interesting that some person or machine grabbed a header from a recent post, tweeted the damn thing and gives credit to my site and then links it to their site about making money. DAMN I wish it was that easy. If I ever make money from this, I will for sure post it here.
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