Calendar Post by Month

September 2010


Energy Saving House Tips

Not a bad reminder to do the thing that give the greatest benefit for the lest cost (time).  – WD0AJG

During these times of financial difficulty, it would be nice to have a little extra money. One way to do that is in saving money on your home energy bills. Taking a few simple steps will help you have an efficient energy saving house.

Wasting energy can be changed to saving energy with these simple steps. Let’s start with your hot water heater. Check the temperature that it is set. You do not need the thermostat set higher than 60 degrees Centigrade or 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Your water only mixes with cold water when you have a higher temperature as your heater automatically cools the water down for use. Turn down the temperature to 60 degrees.

Here is another place to look for energy use. Electronics in your home such as televisions, stereos, and DVDs are still using electricity even when you turn them onto standby. You will want to be sure these devices are turned off. Even though you are not using the devices and they are on standby, they can use as much as five to ten percent of your household energy. Some of your appliances like your microwave will use electricity even when not in use. If you are going on vacation or will be away from home for a period of time, you might want to actually unplug your microwave so that it does not continue to use energy.

You can make another small change to save energy by reducing the brightness of your computer screen. An additional benefit you will receive is that your battery life of your laptop will last longer also. When upgrading time comes around, you might want to upgrade from the old CRT monitors to the new LCD monitors. You can save as much as sixty percent of your energy consumption with these changes!

Does your computer use energy when not in use? Yes it does. When your computer is showing your screen saver, it may be using even more energy that when you are using it. If you leave your screen saver on a lot, your monitor’s life will be reduced. You can program your computer to automatically turn off the monitor when your computer is not in use. By making this small change you might save as much as $50 to $100 per year.

This step will take you back to your childhood. Do you remember as a child to being reminded by your parents to turn off the lights when you left a room? This is the time to actually do that. If you leave a room, turn off the lights so that you are not wasting energy. This is an easy way to have an efficient energy saving house.

By changing how you wash your clothes can be another way to save energy. When you are buying a new washer, buy a washer that allows front loading. A front load washer will save a large amount of water and energy compared to the top-loading washer. If you are really serious about saving energy, you can also dry your clothes outside.

Following these simple steps will help you to reduce your home energy consumption. This will reduce your utility bills and save you money. Saving energy will make a difference to you and the world around you.

Lynn Lyons is an energy conservation author and an enthusiast to help homeowners enjoy their home during a tough economical time. She lives in “Colorado Springs” and spends her time teaching others how to setup an efficient, energy saving home. For more information on energy saving house tips, feel free to visit her Energy Savings website at A free Energy Saving Secrets Mini Course is available to help you learn more ways to save money on your energy use.

Author: L. Lyons
Article Source:
Canada duty

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