Calendar Post by Month

October 2010


The Trip to Balloon Fiesta 2010


We got a late start on Friday – left Stillwater about 3pm.  Sherrie had to work.  As we headed west it occurred to me several times, didn’t get the camera out and didn’t take the time to pull over for pictures.  What are the missing mountain tops near Weatherford?  left over from the mountains to the south and just not eroded away yet or just bumps in the plains? Well no pictures to show so that will have to wait. I pushed with out stops all the way to Amarillo.  Actually I had thought about stopping in Shamrock but by then we figured just push on.  Well there aint nothing between Shamrock and Amarillo but small towns and nothing to eat.  So we were hungry when we hit Amarillo at near 9pm.  pulled into the loves truck stop on the east side, cause they had a subway which sounded better than anything else.  Got a sub and back on the road to find a spot for the night.   When we got closer in figured the Walmart would make a good stop as it appears they had some already.  When we got to the other side of the interstate it looked like a full fledge RV park?  We got pulled in after a “round the block” trip to find an entrance – they all have low hangers and I was a bit worried about them at first but after going all around I figured the others got in so I could too.  pulled to the far NE corner with all the rest (about 25 to 30) and set the brake.  Gulped down the sub and was dog tired.  since it is dry camp and in a parking lot we don’t put down the jacks or put out the slides.  We just crashed.


Slept in late, well actually slept i short naps all night long.  hard driving makes my back hurt so I didn’t sleep well at all but it was too early at 5 to get out and by 8 we were late as every one else but 3 or 4 had pulled out.  We were lucky as right in front is a “What-a-burger” so that was breakfast burritos.  Back on the road headed west.  Man that spot between Amarillo and almost the state line is boring.  Flat, nothing.  Just before the state line we hit the breaks and the scenery got a little better but not much.  The interstate in Texas is in pretty good shape the road in New Mexico is being repairs and needs more.
We did stop at one rest stop in New Mexico (they have a lot – appears to be one nearly every 50 miles – most pretty nice spots).  This one had a pretty nice flower garden and a small patch of green grass in a huge area of dry nothing…


Pretty flowers in such a dry desolate area.

And it had a History maker about how this was an alternate route for the 49’ers.  Wonder if they had vandals back then too?

=”Vandal were here well before us? “]IMG_1192[/caption]

On the east side of the “front range” there are miles and miles of housing areas, the farther out are not so nice.  as you get closer to the trees, hills, etc. the housing gets much nicer.  Lot of folks liver in that 30 miles easy of Albuquerque… Anyway over the ridge and down into Albuquerque and searching for the turns to the KOA.  finally found it after a couple of bad turns and got checked in.  I will report on this later.

We got to our site, set up and left in search of “green chili”.  First stop that was highly rated, – CLOSED.  It is only open during week… so I stopped ans asked a police officer.  He didn’t even act like he know what I was asking for but finally indicated a restaurant close by that should have green chili.  We tried Sadie’s for that first go.  The quantity of food was enormous but the flavor left some room for improvement. We left that and headed for the Balloon Fiesta park. Once you get in line up close you have no choice but to get in but they seem to have the movement down to a science now. And police and traffic help at every corner so it moved pretty smooth.  I had no idea what to expect but this thing is huge.  It is a state fair park type place with vendors galore.


Before the storm but there are people every where in every direction.

Every kind of food and junk item you could imagine for sale.  There were balloons set up all over waiting on the weather to slack up.  You see as we get to the park the wind picks up and a huge cloud is moving in on Sandia peak…


The storm moves in on Sandia peak

There were a few that tried to get up but the wind was coming in from all directions first from the south then from the north and way too strong but this is the few that got up early then quickly laid down.


This one was up but laid down shortly after we got there

This one also went up then decided it was not getting better and quickly laid down… there were more but didn’t get too many picks.


Coming down before it gets really bad.

I also got a pic of this trailer – and I agree – about ballooning, “I don’t know Jack”

He’s right, I really don’t”]


I did get one more decent pic but it was not of the balloons…


Never can tell what you will see at these things!

After this it got worse, we headed out and even got into a little rain – after we got in the Jeep and headed back to the RV.  Maybe tomorrow will be better.   -WD0AJG
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