Calendar Post by Month

October 2010


Balloon Fiesta Day 2(for us) 10-3-2010

Well, after last nights go we were not sure what was going to happen for the rest of the Balloon Fiesta for us.   But once back we turned on the local news and they said our tickets would be good for Today.  Alas, I didn’t pull the parking ticket in time and it blew off (in the dark) so we had to pay for the parking again.  Our entry stubs were good for one more try.  Our decision (which turned out to be a good one) was to get up early and make the “mass ascension”.  What a treat.

We got up a little after 5:00AM, grabbed some few things we needed and hit the trail.  Took what we felt to be the fast route, over to I-25, and up to Alemeda and off.  Well we moved fast to that point then it was bumper to bumper for about 45 minutes to a parking spot.  Last night we got right in to the lower parking close to the Balloon field but this morning – we were about 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile from the field in the parking area.  Everyone else was smarter and wanted to see the morning show more than the night show.    It wasn’t a bad walk down to the Gate 2 entrance (it was all downhill)… As we were still in line about 7 balloons took off.  I thought we were late.  Guess they were the test flights to define the air currents and see how the flying would be for the day.  Once down by the field there were Balloons all over.  Someone said over 750 , I am not sure on that but am sure there had to be hundreds in the air and more going up  and we could see a mile down the field.  Here are a few of the shots as we got there and as they started lifting out.


Still early and picture blurry but shows lighting up.


These are the ones passengers can ride in.


More of the passenger ones with some competitors in front.


One great thing about this is you can be right in the middle of the balloons, you can even help if you ask.  There were a lot of “figure” type balloons here, some did not take off but many did.

=”When your in the middle of all this it is hard to get a sense of how many are going up.”]IMG_1242[/caption]

There were still hundreds on the ground, hundreds in some point of airing up and hundreds in the air.  I know they look small in the picture but they are all real (big) balloons lifting off as quickly as they can get aired and the “flight” controllers send them up.  It is a constant show for several hours.

The first few in the row across from where we sat on the grass.”]



More and more and more they kept going.

=”Darth Vader flies!”





Spirit of Colorado coming back in to land!

It was beyond amazing that several of those that took off, fly to the south in the ground wind, Moved up to another level and fly back to the North over the field , maybe 2000 ft. up, then seemed to hover to the North for awhile and drop down then come back to the field and many landed back on the field.    A lot were not as fortunate as I saw some off to the Southwest maybe 10 miles or more many landing on the field north of the actual Balloon field.  This was just absolutely amazing to see all of them take off, fly south, move up, fly north and some get back down on the field.

After all this it hit us we had not had time to get breakfast, but not to worry, that is the other big thing for the Fiesta.  There is food and “crap” vendors everywhere.  Our choice – a big Breakfast Burrito with Green chilies from:


Just a few vendors down was a “funnel Cake” vendor.  We got the one with the works of strawberries and whipped cream… boy was that good…


This was not ours but looked a lot like it... !

After this treat we took in the car show as well… I know bore you to tears but here are a few of my favorites in that.


57 bird. Had a chance at one once. had no money (I thought).


The ford pickup- the folks had one when I was little.

[=”1928 Ford A – perfect color… “]



I had an old 51 Chevy (about 40 + years ago)

We walked up and saw the Echo Wood carvers working then made it back through the ARTS tent.  Sherrie got a set of orange Balloon ear-rings and we then started the long walk back “UP the HILL”  whew it was a long way back up there.

At that point it was back to the Motor Home for a nap and maybe more stuff in the afternoon… – WD0AJG

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