Calendar Post by Month

October 2010


Albuquerque – 10-4-2010

Yesterday I Posted down to the point of the nap.  But there was still a lot of day left, so after the rest, we got out on old Route 66 (Central AVE) and aimed for Old Town.  Central  passes by the Race Track, the University of New Mexico, Nob Hill, the New Down town and then Old Town.  We got there, got a parking spot at about 2:15pm.  Of course there was some festivities going on in Old Town.  Lot of people setting around the Gazebo and the Spanish girls dancing.  We made a tour around the square, looked at the old Church, and did some Junque shopping – no buying mind you just looking (a good thing).  We had asked at the camp about a good place to eat and they though the place on the south side of the square was best for Green Chili and all the food was home-made so we tried that.  I got the Chili Relleno plate and Sherrie got the chicken Chimichanga.  They were good and the green chili was good, not quite the same as we were acquainted with further north as most of this has no meat in it.  What we knew as green chili (Colorado style) has pork chunks in it and we really like that.  The Chili’s I got were fresh but HOT!.  Smoking hot, so the plan was to stop and get ice cream before we got back to the motor home.  It was needed to cool down things for today and during the night…. ha!  “Come-on-Ice-Cream!”

On the way back we circled the UNM campus.  A nice university, most of the building have been updated a lot since it was started in 1899 and all the buildings looked much newer than that.   We also got a few pictures of some of the Odd building in the new town area but won’t show them here as it was mostly for us to remember.

Today we did the Sandia Peak Tram.  Of course we didn’t start as early as yesterday cause the Tram does not open till 9:00 AM.  We made it up there about 9:30 or so but had to stand in line for about an hour.  We got in behind 3 bus tours.  The weather was ok and the standing was not bad.  Our line was longer than this


We made it to the top at about 11:15AM and the clouds were still coming up over the peak

View after reaching the top.. clouds coming up the west side of the mountain.


Everything requires a line (in Europe it is the Queue).

and at times we were socked in but it cleared nice before we left.


In the clouds at the peak - Sandia Peak

We walked around the top some, but didn’t take the trail up to the “Kiwanis cabin” a Rock building built in the 30’s by the CCC.

Kiwanis Cabin – Sandia Peak”


I know we should have but it was a 1.4 mile hike one way from where we were.  I figure I might have had to make it on my own as Sherrie gets altitude sickness easy.   We did have lunch at the High Finance grill at the top.   It appeared pricey on the menu but once you see the portions we decided to split a meal and that made the price reasonable.

The waiter was very friendly and we talked to him about how they get the supplies up, water and all come by the tram.

Off the back side of the mountain is the Sandia Ski area and it tops as the same spot as the Tram…


Top of the Sandia Ski area chair lift runs in the summer as well. another lift is off the left about 200 yards.

The west face of Sandia is granite and granite boulders, very limited vegetation and very few trees.  The east side is covered in tall pine and spruce and has a more gentle slope, great for a ski area.

I know many question that we are never in the pictures so how is there proof I just didn’t pull pictures from the internet… proof of this trip


Been there done that. These two probably should be locked up!

Actually we ran into the Husband and Father of Sherrie’s boss.  We knew they were to be in Albuquerque, but how unlikely is it to meet up at the top of the peak on the same day with in a few minutes of each others trip up?  oh and here is proof they were here as well….

[=”They were here too.”]


Well after that – here comes the ride back down…

“Coming right up.”


The view from the tram is amazing and at one point you are nearly 1000 ft. above the ground!


On the way down... there are only two towers on this whole line... they say it is the number 3 longest suspension tram in the world? that is a damn long way back up there.

The above shot was not even half way to the first tower.  Note that there is also a little color in the brush and trees below – it was just starting to turn.

color and rocks


After the trip to the top we made a run to locate another recommended restaurant – El Pinto. Nice place on the way NW side of Albuquerque.  Down in the river bottom – built in an old ranch house and has 10 to 15 acres of parking… big place.   After all that, we made a stop or two and back to the motor home for “Siesta”.  We will try the restaurant later tonight or ?  We need to decide on travel plans, so we move or not and if so where?  Not decided yet. -WD0AJG

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