Calendar Post by Month

October 2010


Albuquerque – 10-5-2010

We did some searching and thinking and had determined last night to stay one more night.  Today we had several things yet to see.  I know there are thousands of things we could stay to see and probably could stay weeks to get it all done, but we can also save enough to come back again to see things.

One of the things we found yesterday was that the Sandia Pueblo Indian are following the lead of all Indian tribes with casinos.  They have a really nice “Resort and Casino” on the north edge of Town.   The Hotel is curved to give views of the Balloon field and Albuquerque.  It is really nice and new, has a golf course ( I don’t play but someone else might be interested) and they allow or actually have an area for RV parking in the outer edge of the parking area.    We may have to stay there some time and enjoy the facility of the casino?

We didn’t move to fast this morning.  Headed to the Pueblo Indian Cultural Center at about 9:45.  We wanted to look through the museum and catch the dance at 11:00AM.  The first group has some delays and did not get stated until 11:40.  The first dance sessions was from the Apache Crown Dancers

Apache Crown Dancers”]


[“Dineh Tah Navajo Dancers”


As I stated earlier we headed to the El Pinto restaurant for a late lunch early dinner.  Again they sever enough food to swell you up like a toad… we ended up brining as much home as we ate and it was good!.


New Mexico's largest restaurant - both inside and outside seating.

Well after that we made it back to …… take a Siesta.  only great way to wear off that huge meal.

We will be moving tomorrow and may not get the posts up, depends on internet access?


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