Calendar Post by Month

October 2010


From the biggest Cross to Watonga – 10-8-2010

As I stated we spent the night in Amarillo at the Walmart on I-40.  got out of there about 8:30AM.  Once again, I forgot to put down the local antenna and whacked the overhead at the exit.  I was moving slow and the overhead was a swinging gate type so it didn’t break it off but I got up and found that it had cracked the nylon gear that raises and lowers.  Fortunately it was only cracked so it worked (roughly) to crank it down.   How many of you forget these types of things?  This is the second time on this motor home.  The first broke it plumb off.  This one will be repairable the other was only replaceable.  Our old motor home at least had a light on the dash to indicate when it was up… on this I had gone as far as making a check sheet to go over before moving, and hang it in front of the driver but it was off to the side this time on the fan so I ignored it.  Till it was too late.    I have to get in a better habit of hanging it directly in front or on the steering wheel so I have to move it before we move the motor home.

Well we headed east and stopped at the Cross of Our lord Jesus Christ.  The website that they gave us on a card shows to be parked as of 9/23/2010.  That website is  Some day they may find it is in need of renewal.


The cross standing at 190ft - it is huge and can be seen from 20 miles. But it is flat out there.


Station 1 - his sentence in front of Pilate

The base circles through the 13 stations and at each is the description of that station. It also now has a new gift shop and meeting rooms being added, with a really nice fountain in the middle of the building.


Entrance to the new worship center.

The Divine Mercy fountain”


It is a beautiful fountain with plants and of course a place for coins. After this brief stop we got back on the road and headed east.  While there we , of all places, ran into another couple from Stillwater, OK.  They too had been to Albuquerque to the Balloon Fiesta and spent the night in Amarillo.  They had been at the cross before.  With even more coincidence they too are members ofFMCA and Good Sam’s.  You just never know who you will meet when your away from home.  The world truly gets smaller every day.   Leaving the Cross our focus was to get to Roman Nose State Park for the night.Roman Nose – Cheyenne Chief.



We got in after some miss direction by the GPS unit at about 3:30pm.  Found a site and got set up.  Also got the satellite set up so we could watch the OSU game on TV.  After setting up we decided we had the time so we would go back on for the Watonga Cheese Festival and see what was going on there.    As we got ready to leave we were being circled by the biggest group of  Buzzards I have ever seen… Was this some sign


These are just a few as they were everywhere.

We got there, to the festival, and found it cost $5 each to get into all the exhibits and vendors.. I say exhibits as there were few true exhibits and a lot of vendors.  Most shows like this are free and paid from vendors , not by patrons?  We made it through all the “vending” stations, a lot of  Jun-Q-E from what I could see.  A little art and way more food vendors?  In fact a lot of food vendors.  What is even more confusing is that as we were getting our turn in the “cheese sample line”  we get to the end and find that the “Watonga Cheese” is now made in Perryton, TX.  The place we once lived.  Seems that a few years back when a tornado came though town it took out the “old” cheese factory and the guy that actually owned it (from Perryton, TX).  got a better deal to build a new factory and move it all to Perryton closer to his dairy.    It is still called “Watonga Cheese” but made in Perryton, TX.  So what does the cheese festival have for importance.  Nothing more than a fall festival like any other town, a little bigger than some and a catchy name.  There were a few “wine” vendors but only two that I saw could be considered local.

It was disappointing to say the least, although the Roman Nose State Park is nice, small but really nice.

One other things we did was go by the  T.B. Ferguson home


T. B. Ferguson home - Oklahoma Historic site.

Of course it was closed by the time we get there but that is OK, we have seen plenty of old homes with antiques in them.

Tomorrow we will most likely just head on home so we can get things cleaned up and put up Sunday and rest up a little as we have done a lot in one week out.  Just needs to be a lot more weeks out and a lot less at home, but we all have to work so we can play.    Some day I hope to figure out how to play and get paid for it so we don’t have to actually work.  More of the old saying ” Son, spit in one hand and wish in the other and see which fills up first”.  – WD0AJG

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