Calendar Post by Month

October 2010


What Your Hobbies Announce

Just plain cool!… Read and look at yourself here.  – WD0AJG

What people do and seek to do in their spare time demonstrates significantly one’s makeup.

Abstract Painting:
Doing your own thing goes well with your other idiosyncrasies.

Dying for attention.

Antique Collecting:
Asceticism and yesteryear are your major endeavors.

Ballooning, Hand Gliding, High Risk Adventure, Mountain Climbing, Parachute Jumping:
Although you appear to others as taking chances with your life, you are actually very methodical and consider every move that you do. Your character is to meet fear head on and thereby destroy it.

Board Games:
Being gifted in terms of evaluating, you enjoy greatly mentally defeating your opponent.

Self confidence and depending on numero uno are your major components.

Coin Collecting:
Coin collecting is actually a form of retaining cash. When these coins are of days gone by, you have a very strong tie to the past and this is your way of being somewhat part of it.

Some psychologists suggest that people who have a strong tendency to collect items, with no particular common denominator, have home sickness. In any event, you probably would not have too much time to be overly concerned with this, as you are constantly involved in many different areas of thought.

Crafts And Needlework:
Essentially highly organized, first and foremost is your family, though at times they may see you as being a bit restricted, your compensations for this are your warm sweaters you’ve knitted for them.

Among your great loves is being part of nature.

Essentially it is the mother in you that causes you to bring and groom those beautiful tulips and roses.

Gourmet Cooking:
Deep behind that marinated lasagne is a lack of satiation with mediocrity.

Ham Radio:
You are filled with disbelief unless you have personal inside info.

In your prospective on life, there is only the hunter and the hunted, and since you will certainly have no part in being hunted, the process of elimination has claimed you.

Model Airplanes:
You actually love being told what to do because you dread to be creative.

Musical Instrument:
Epicurean and aesthetic are proper descriptions of your overall impressionable nature.

Preserving what has occurred in your world is more important to you than creating them.

Essentially an ideas person, you can dwell in the abstract and conceive of times and places often better than people that have actually been there.

Through wielding your fingertips, your hope is to shape something that will be everlasting, reflecting a personal wish of being imperishable.

Stamp Collecting:
Psychologists have suggested that restraint and inhibition are the keynotes behind the philatelist. They further elaborate that the exquisite scenery offered in many stamps gives a chance for the collector to escape into another reality, even though he hasn’t gone out of his bedroom.

Being slightly agitated, you are very inquisitive. Modulation and plotting underwrite your basic character. Not being at arms length with many people that you have grown extremely fond of, is guaranteed by the lack of frequenting them.

You have a great need to be understood, being extremely reflective and circumspect, you actually do add to the world. Seeing that you essentially dwell in your head, you may not consciously realize that you have actually benefited others already.

Joel Engel is the author of “Handwriting Analysis Self-Taught” (Penguin Books)

Author: Joel Engel
Article Source:
Digital TV, HDTV, Satellite TV

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