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October 2010


The Importance of Social Networking in Our Society

How “social” are you.  I do remember the early days of the “net”.  I mean in about 92.  I was doing some form of digital communication as far back as 84 by doing early Ham Radio Packet linking.  Ran a Bulletin Board, did HF packet at 300 baud and VHF at 1200 baud… People today laugh at those rates but back then, it was what worked.  I passed a lot of traffic through on HF at 300 baud, but then again there weren’t any pictures or large files, it was all text and simple text at that.

Today I am social in a few ways but not as many as most.  I get into Twitter (I like short simple statements).  I also have a spot on “linkedin” for my Social-Work related stuff.  I don’t do facebook (yet) but have most of the family that does.  I don’t do bulletin boards anymore as they have evolved on  to “groups” at every internet host possible.  Keeping up  with all the groups and things you get into is a killer at times.  Every few months I have to weed some out that no longer carry my interest.

The article below give some basics on “social networking” .  I think the author is wrong in the “most members are teenagers”.  I think a recent study was that the older folks have moved in on some of these and make up a very large percentage now.  I know that even Twitter has evolved into a great site for investing ideas ( .  So what ever you “kick” you better get involved in one of them or your being left behind.  Even this blog is a part of that ever growing “social networking” idea.  – WD0AJG

Time flies quickly, a few years ago people tend to communicate using wired gadgets such as telephones or ham radios. Today, the internet has reshaped our world beyond our imagination. People now uses desktop or laptop computers not just for work but also for entertainment and communication as well.

Part of the ever growing popularity of the world wide web as a new means of communication is the advent of social networking sites. These are proprietary websites that can be used by common people to post personal profiles, pictures, videos, music and messages. Users of social networking sites can invite other “friends” to join their network to be able to view and share personal information on one another.

There are several social networking sites today, among the popular ones are Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. Most members of these sites are teenagers who just love the company of friends and other people. However, did you know how important social networking sites are?

1. Keeping in touch

By maintaining a profile on these sites, your loved ones, friends and distant relatives don’t have to call you everytime just to stay in touch with one another. One can take advantage of posting messages, images and personal videos of themselves for their loved ones to see over and over again. It’s cheap, fast and real time technology available to everyone.

2. Job hunting

Several companies in the US and Europe are taking advantage of social networking sites to get competent employees. On the other hand, job applicants take advantage of these sites to post their resume and credentials. It’s a great tool one can use in order to make a good impression to a company. If you’re applying for a computer related job, it would be great to maintain a personal profile.

3. Emergency

Have you heard of several thousands of individuals saved using social networking sites? Twitter has been a great tool for many to relay messages to thousands of concerned citizens in a snap in times of tragedy and natural calamities. People who seek fund raising and donation can use Facebook or MySpace sites to call unto generous individuals.

Many people consider these sites as a work of the devil. It could be. However, one must realize that anything can become good or bad depending on the person’s intentions. Social networking sites has shaped our world whether we like it or not and it will become an indispensable tool if it’s used for good purposes.

Anthony is an avid fan of various subject areas such as relationship, parenting, health, tech and others. You can see some of his works at rolling tool bags and his other content writings on canvas tool bags review.

Author: Anthony Pineda
Article Source:
Panasonic Lumix G2

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