Calendar Post by Month

October 2010


OSU – Homecoming weekend

As the weekend is winding down , I have time to put up a few things that happened this weekend. First all the kids were here for the festivities, that made for a great family weekend.  We had a good time and took it all in, as much as we could.  I say “as much as we could” because there is just so much going that how can you do it all and still survive?

Friday was a bit of a slow start for most of us.  Some had to work but we fit in several things even with that.  Late Friday afternoon or very early evening, we took off for the “Walk Around” . Tow more good links for related stories on the Greatest Home coming Event in America:  Crowds pack the OSU campus for HomecomingOfficial OSU Alumni Page.   I was really afraid it was going to be  a “wash” as we had rain come in early in the day and last until early afternoon but all the participants were somewhat prepared and got covers on the decorations to protect them and get it all opened back up after the rain quit.  In one account they say 75000 people were here?  I doubt that number but there were a lot of people here for the event Friday evening.  Here are some of my pictures:


I told we started early and it rained... oh and that is my GrandSon in the picture.

The crowd is still small! as we start the walk along University Down by the A.D.-PI house (my Daughter was one of those back a few years ago).




The light was going less and less and my pictures started to get fuzzy as you can’t get pictures of far off with a regular flash and the low light – I am not stable enough for long exposure… ha!

Ethan making his shot!


One of the big additions to all the walk around is that many of the Fraternities and Sororities (besides doing the decorations) do things to raise money and most of it goes to support some favorite charity.  Now how great is that?  Work you tails off , going to class, study and put in extra hours to make the decorations and then do something to make money to give to some charity (usually local).  In the above picture this Fraternity has an ” egg throw”  if you just feel like it they stand up behind some wire screen and let you throw “raw” eggs at them.  As they hit the screen they splatter all over the place and these guys get egg slimed a lot.  They have to trade out regularly so they can get “hosed” down.  My Grand Son felt he had to throw some eggs too.  He is only 4 and his throws are not too strong or accurate yet but he gave it his best shot… The Fraternity guys were all out there to help him and kept moving him up so he could make the throw – now how great is that!  You can’t pay enough for stuff like this, charity giving, fun for all age kids, and everyone trying to make it a great experience for all!

Like I said the light was too dark for my little camera but this shot shows how thick the crowd got at that at point… looking down that street the walk is about 4 blocks west but you h ave to add in that this crowd is the same from this point all the way around and that is probably a total of maybe 12 full blocks of street filled and maybe another 10 or so blocks in different directions that have vendors, charity food stands, parking for the floats for the parade the next day, etc…


In front of Theta Pond looking west down University Ave.

After all this exercise and fun, we actually went out to eat a late dinner.  Next post will have pics from the Parade on Saturday.


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