Calendar Post by Month

October 2010


OSU Homecoming weekend#2

Saturday morning – Well my day started way early.  Got up at 3:30 AM to take Son-in-law to Tulsa.  He was flying out to Little Rock to pick up a car he bought?  I got him there by 5:30 and he was out at 6:30 and by the time we got home from the game (around 6:30 PM) he was already back at our house?  Geez a long day.

The parade started at 9:00AM and as always lasts about 2 hours.   There are several articles about the parade and some local interest like the Lady that last lead the Blackwell High School band, that wanted to lead the band just once and was granted her wish… Sorry didn’t get a picture that turned out but you can check here out in the link.  Like all OSU homecoming parades, there were a lot of Dignitaries and Politicians.

There were a lot of Orange and Black cars and Trucks… here are a few.

And some Horses:






The Kappa Sig lawn mower drill team:


10 years ago this was 20 to 25 guys but it is a bit smaller now?

There was also the BAE small scale tractors – They won the national championships in 2004 and 2005 but have  not followed up?  need to put a bit more in it guys…


BAE Power team. These things pull with 20 horse engines things you wouldn't believe!

The one big thing missing from the parade – Where the heck are the Shriners? They used to show up in big groups but none here this year and not sure if they have been for several years? As close as Stillwater is to Guthrie and several clubs   I would think that some of them could have shown up for the biggest thing in the area?

We went to the game after the parade and made a few of the tailgates, talked to some old friends, had generally a good time although just before the game the wind came up pretty strong and was not real nice but generally it wasn’t too bad.

The game on the other hand was not as nice.  Out Cowboys just didn’t seem to have the same fire on defense they had shown the week before.  They couldn’t close tackles and spent a lot of time chasing Martinez or letting him have another career day passing.  When did he learn how to do that?   They made a good showing by putting 41 points on a team that had not allowed more than 21 in 14 games but in the end it was not enough.  Scoring points is great but you have to stop the other team from scoring just as much or more…

The Nebraska fans were out in big numbers and the Motor home sections were as full as I have ever seen.  A lot of people came to see this one… was a good game but not good enough.  – WD0AJG

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