Calendar Post by Month

October 2010


Small Business Opportunities Online – Are There Any Left?

I am frequently asked, “Are there any small business opportunities online left?”

The world economy is in a shambles. No job is safe anymore. Investments that used to ensure a safe and golden retirement are now rotten to the core or waiting for the axe.

What’s the best solution? An online business of your own.

Here are some examples of people who are making a good living off the internet DOING WHAT THEY LOVE:

  1. Kids’ birthday party ideas: A young man who loves children in Israel was fed up of his factory job. He and his sister have built up a very successful (no longer small) business on the internet based on kids’ birthday party ideas.
  2. Selling vacation packages, villa rentals, bed and breakfast arrangements and so on to people wanting to visit hot, and sunny central, Italy. A young couple in Wales (they were textile workers) were fed up with the wet and cold. They took their time and have built a successful business based in Tuscany, Italy. They live there, do business there and are raising their babies in the sun.
  3. Selling juggling courses, juggling videos and other things for the juggling enthusiast: An archaeologist who loves to juggle as an amusement has built up a good business selling juggling courses, juggling videos and so forth.
  4. Nature Safari Business: A young woman in central Australia loves it there, but couldn’t find enough work to live on. Using an unreliable DIAL-UP connection, she has built a very successful business from her home and she gets to live exactly where she loves it.
  5. Custom designed aerials: A retired navy many was bored and starving on his pension. He loves ham radio so he has built a very good business designing, building and selling this product.
  6. Selling radio controlled airplanes, related books, videos: A young person who has an intense interest in radio controlled model airplanes now makes a great living from a site dealing exclusively with what he is the most passionate about.
  7. Older Fashion Dolls: A lady has a love of the older fashion dolls. She has built an excellent business dealing in these and their accessories.

Trying to find small business opportunities online can seem scary, but there are many of them.


Many have tried, many have succeeded and there is more opportunity now than ever.

The World Wide Web is the place to start fresh and there are no limits to what you can do, build or dream. You can start, build, grow and prosper safely and with no risk if you go about it properly.

The biggest advantage of the internet is that you can start with nothing more than your own internet connection and a personal computer. Wait a minute, you don’t even need that. You can start an honest business using someone else’s connection and computer or the one at your local library.

“What about a product to sell?” is a good question to ask as you plan on opening a small business.

The safest and easiest way to have something to sell is to become an affiliate for a company. Basically, you become an information site. You attract visitors to your site which is full of information on the subject they are searching for and it doesn’t matter if they are looking for an acne cream or asphalt paving machines. There are companies that sell exactly what they are looking for and they all have affiliate programs.

You attract visitors, sell them on the idea of a particular solution and you get a commission if they buy. The companies handle the delivery, warranty, customer issues and so forth. Getting started couldn’t be easier, safer or cheaper (it’s all free!).

In conclusion, the internet can be a bit scary. Take your time, dream big and just start. Once you get past the initial kick start, momentum will carry you forward. Most important of all, build a business on something you love!

By the way, if you are interested in accessing complete case studies of these and dozens more people who have done what you are dreaming of, I have built you a Site Build It! page full of these and other stories. Simply click on the large red (Case Studies) at the top of my page at

Author: Octavien J. Remillard
Article Source:
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