Calendar Post by Month

October 2010


Even I agree – Lift the seat to Pee!

Well, just made my trip back to the “Sand” .  It was another one of those “so enjoyable ” travel experiences.  When you have done this so many times you get to a point of total disgust yet total acceptance of the “idiots that live among us”.

I have read in may place that common statement “and they live among us” .  It is most often associated with a joke or blurb, but it is so much more true when you have to deal with “mass quantities” of them in one or two days, like international travel over a 31 hour span.

This trip was like all others but it hit me to write about particular “they live among us” faults that happened numerous times in a single travel day.   This trip it happened to me as many as 5 times.  In a two day trip, and being on blood pressure meds that include a “water pill” you have to make multiple trips to the “room of ultimate discover” in nearly ever stop or leg of the trip.

On this trip, I first had that “urge of discover” in the Tulsa airport.  decided that I had an hour wait and an hour flight and who knows how long before I might get the chance at a reasonable throne, I took the opportunity to ensure I had relieved myself sufficiently to make it to my “next” acceptable release point.  I know the crew does a good job at the Tulsa airport of cleaning but “we the travelers” seem to do our best to mess it up faster than they can clean it.  Yep, the “relief room”” that I choose there has 4 stalls, and I usually select one that has enough room to hold me and my bags-I-drag so I can watch them.  I peered in all 4 and all 4 has pee on the seats?  What the crap gives they supply urinals enough for that kind of thing, why do you have to use the “set down” version and then just pee all over the place?  I know my aim is horrible but at least I grab some tissue and lift the seat so other don’t have to deal with my pee drops there?  Inconsiderate bastards and ” they live among us”!

I made it on to Dallas and had several hours of wait time and after a few drinks and some water , that damn water pill, was still working over time, so I made it to one of the “almost continuously cleaned stations and peered into two of the stalls… same thing as Tulsa, “wet seats” ?  I felt at that point that I had sufficiently prepared so I just backed out and used the “stand up station” for my relief and moved on.  Remember” they live among us”

On a 9 hour flight it is hard not to need to “take relief”.  They keep shoving liquids at you, because it is so easy to get dehydrated on long flights at high altitude and I almost always have a big bottle of water that i am sipping on the whole time, so twice on this flight I visited two different ( of the 4 available) “small rooms” and both had —— seat pee.  Holy crap and over 1/3 to half of the people on the plane were women?  How the crap does that happen?  I have to feel for them as well but I did my thing, grabbed some tissue, lifted the seat, and took care of business and moved on.  Yet it is even more obvious “they live among us”.

In Paris it gets worse… I again had the urge for #1 and had to find a spot for that.  In that one place that I could drag my bags there was a “homeless” person – not sure of sex as I only could see a hand on the floor and a bag.  Now I must assume it was a homeless that lives at the Paris airport , I would not assume someone who could afford to travel would – on purpose choose to sleep in two toilet stalls?  There are several “homeless” at the Paris airport and those of use that go through often, even recognize some of them as they have been there a long time, some of those would make another story in watching their actions.  Anyway, “it” (person on the floor) had two of the 4 stalls “occupied” I got in one of the “unoccupied” and that seat was wet.  SH _ t what is going on here.  I do fortunately carry some cleaning wipes( necessary after you have traveled several years) and cleaned it up, used the facility , cleaned myself out, and continued my wait for the final leg of my 31 hour day to the sand.  Remember what I said before “They live among us” in all forms and varieties.

It just amazed me that what momma used to whack my butt over, goes on yet today by so many.  My momma didn’t take a big enough swipe at humanity.  I must coincide that You can only control what you have authority over but this was over the top on this trip.  Even in the civilized world we are all human and very uncivilized in our actions that carry over to others.   END RANT  and Reminder “They live among us”. – WD0AJG

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