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October 2010


Perils and Rewards of Online Investment Programs – Research

This may have some benefit to others as it does lay out some methods and problems of online investing research.  We should do more but be careful on what you believe in when you find it.  This author does a decent job of laying it out.  – WD0AJG


Many people do not know how to thoroughly research a specific interest they have beyond knowing how to find it on the net and how to browse several different sites to check for more information on the subject. In fact, most people have the interest, but begin by looking in the wrong places. These different research techniques can start in the spam of your email program and reach as far as stock, bonds and mutual funds.

While researching online investment alternatives there are a few things to avoid and they include never investing in program opportunities that have come to you in your spam. Having read through my rather large share of them, I never cease to be amazed at the promises of lottery returns that are sent to me, because I have never entered any particular lottery in my life! Or the gigantic payouts that await me from a long lost relative whom I have never heard of and my personal favorite, those surveys that claim your opinion is worth hundreds of dollars to their marketing team but when you sign up to take their survey, either its not available to you because of the answer you gave their qualifying question or your payment is a ticket in a sweepstakes! How impressed am I? Also, stay away from senders who want you to pay them to send you your supposed windfall. These types of schemes involve you giving your money to a complete unknown with no chance of recovery.

Another group of potential investments people will research is stocks, bonds and mutual funds that can pay higher returns and while they are legitimate, the downside is that you need a rather extensive knowledge of which ones to invest in and when to sell to make any kind of profit. This is not highly recommended unless you have enough knowledge in these types of investments to know what you are doing. Using professional brokers for investing can be a good way to go but you also need to realize that some of them know how to use your funds to make themselves money and leave you footing the bill. This could be yet another article!

A little of my own alternative online investing includes having a knack for finding ones that pay fairly good returns in the first place. I have been involved in researching, finding and investing small to medium amounts for the past five years. Some of them have failed and I have lost money but that is the high risk part of online investing and you need to understand that you can lose your money. My first step is to find an online investment that I am interested in pursuing; does it sound like I spend a lot of time on the computer? Then I look at other sites that specialize in both recommending and monitoring these particular and other investments and read all I can about them. I pay particular attention to their backgrounds, their history of payouts, any complaints against them and whether other people, like me, have recommended them. Many have not been around for twenty years because this is a relatively new frontier and since I am a little bit of a risk taker to begin with, I only invest small amounts and then monitor my investment closely. Often, these investments do not pay out on weekends or holidays, only weekdays, so I am also patient and prepared to wait for the several months it will take for my investments to grow. Another aspect I look at is what daily interest percentage will my principle earn. It is always more than what any bank will pay me for having a medium amount of savings in my account at any given time during the year.

The two online investment programs I am currently involved in are looking very good but lets face it, they only work when you have chosen to invest an amount you can afford to lose and the gain is only realized once you have made a successful withdrawal and have the money either in your bank account, paypal or in your hand! The moral of this story is that you have to take the risk first and actually invest before you can see any tangible results. You invest online at your own risk, this is true but there are ways you can minimize that risk, as I have done. An investment can be insured against loss if you find the right program that has this insurance or guarantee as part of its policy.

If you find an alternative investment or program that interests you, I would suggest doing some very careful and detailed research before investing. There are some very good investments and programs on the net that offer some handsome rewards for those who are willing to risk a little and perhaps lose a little, to find them. That said, my suggestion would be to invest only small amounts of between ten to fifty dollars, in three or four and monitor them daily to see how they perform. Please note, that none of these types of investment alternatives are overnight and like any other form of investment, they do take several months to grow and the growth takes longer but is steady. Once you have made some gains, withdraw your original investment and let the growth you have made multiply.

Some programs will allow you to withdraw anytime but if you do this, remember that your principle will not grow as fast because you are reducing it by withdrawing prematurely. You can also try a combination of both, just do not stretch yourself too far or too thin. Always begin small and always withdraw your principal after the due date to assure you get your money back, then leave the interest your principle earned to grow. I do not recommend these types of investments for storing your money for retirement or other uses, but do some research and learn where you can safely withdraw and deposit your returns in a more secure account or on one of the many loadable debt cards that are becoming available from legitimate companies on the net, that you can purchase for this purpose. Again, research them carefully. Taxes on these types of investments are always your own responsibility. I am, at present, trying some programs I have found and researched and I am taking a risk in doing so, as will you if you chose to pursue this new alternative of online investing. If they remain stable, I will reap the rewards.

I was lucky enough last year, to find one that is guaranteed and I listen to their conference calls as part of my ongoing research and monitoring. The is another investment program that I have been involved with for over two years. The first time and after only a year of involvement, I was horrified to learn that it had collapsed. The gentleman who first introduced the program did not disappear as the investors expected, instead he held another conference call to explain what had gone wrong and why and willingly ‘faced the music’ and the wrath of all the investors. Something he did not have to do. He has spent over another year finding new partners and developing a whole new program to compensate and benefit all the investors who have remained with him, no matter what. Another thing he did not have to do. Obviously, I believe in this program or I would not still be involved and this new program is available, as is the other one. These are my main two investments and they are going very well.

Are they out there? Yes, but you have to find them, research them carefully and ultimately choose whether or not to invest in them. I think I have a little bit of experience in this area to share my advice with you.

I wish you all happy and safe investing.

I am a Freelance Writer who writes web content, landing pages and does copywriting for other sites online. I work from home and always have time for writing the articles I post on Ezine. These articles serve as part of my online portfolio. I am currently working on my own website, where I will feature my work. My site will be active by the end of February for you to visit. Everyone is Welcome and I encourage you to drop by with your comments and any work projects you may have available for me to look at. All visits and comments are appreciated.

Author: Stephanie Stewart
Article Source:
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