Calendar Post by Month

October 2010


The word for the day – Analosity

They are sinking even lower in an attempt to control, cut costs, dispose of people in trade for robots, etc.

Let me preface that this is aimed at a location that has less than 15% resident workers.  All here are commuters by one function or another.  Hell no one wants to live out here, it is just a place you work but there is no way to get back to a “home” environment from here with out a days travel, minimum, so it is called a “camp” in a remote place.  So for many years they have provided some small amount of service so you could connect with family when you needed to.    Remember that statement your company has always said that “family is important” or don’t let your work life over stress you or even “our employees are our greatest asset”.   They don’t really mean that.

A recent upgrade of policy for phone use in a desolate, “camp” situation where you have few contacts with the “real world”.

The below process is intended to be for Mobile phones and Desktop phones for ******* Area, every invoice will have to be reviewed and approved by the line manager whatever the amount, whereas this is exceeding the cap determined for every employee or not.

All calls are intended to be business calls without exception; any call that is not for business purpose will be deducted from the following month pay slip.

Any phone calls beyond the amount of the CAP granted to the employee (after removing the personal calls) will be charged to the employees personnel account.”

So now,

all “personal” calls will be charged to the employee. (there is no exception and no allowance or cap on “personal use”, not even incidental and no consideration that we are isolated from the real world here).  As if that is not bad enough we now also have to deal with the fact that Business use will have a cap amount and if you exceed that cap (keep in mind that this is for the company benefit doing business)  you (the employee)will have to pay for that from your wages as well.  – WD0AJG

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