Calendar Post by Month

November 2010


From my reading list – Choose your Poison by Bad Nick.

This is one of those that just is what  I would say although he has a better way with the words, I sometimes get carried away and say too much or say it wrong (say something I wish has come out a bit different).   He definitely writes better than I do. 

Choose Your Poison

I’ll be glad to see Tuesday come and go, if for no other reason than that we’ll finally see an end to all of the political ads on television, where every candidate tells us how terrible their opponents are, in wildly exaggerated claims, but never seem to get around to telling us what makes them the better choice. It’s so bad that I’m beginning to miss the ads for shyster lawyers wanting me to sue everybody from the doctor who delivered me to the company who made my toilet paper, because they damned sure must have done something to harm me in the process!


I make no secret of the fact that I don’t like anybody in public office, and no matter who we elect or who we keep in office, it will be more of the same. I think we should just fire them all and hire a bunch of trained chimpanzees to take their places. They couldn’t do any worse, could they?

I keep wanting to find somebody I can support for any office, but they all leave me feeling like I need a shower after I watch them talk. We have our choices of poison, when what we need is medicine to cure our country.

Everybody wants to blame President Obama for the state the country is in today, but just as I didn’t just wake up fat from gaining all of this weight overnight, we didn’t get where we are in the last two years. I was willing to give Obama and his crew a chance, and kept an open mind.

In contrast to a lot of readers of this blog, I supported a national health care plan, because my wife and I were among those screwed by an insurance company during a health crisis that wiped us out financially. I know that you can pay your premiums, play by the rules, and still get shafted. Not just welfare rats and illegal aliens need some sort of health care guarantees. There are millions of hard working, tax paying citizens who cannot afford health insurance. What about them?

However, that’s all I have seen come out of this administration that I can agree with. Obama has turned a deaf ear to the illegal alien problems that are, in my opinion, the biggest threat to our way of life, our security, and our country that we have ever faced. If we could get rid of the millions of leeches who do not belong here and are draining our resources in every area, from law enforcement, to health care, to education, and jobs, we could make life better for each and every American citizen alive today. We need a President with the balls to deal with problem, and President Obama obviously doesn’t have them.

Candidate Obama promised change, but overall, what change there has been has mostly been negative. The country is more polarized than it has been since the Vietnam War, and we need to start working together if we ever want to get back on track. I don’t believe that President Obama and the current House and Senate can give us that unity.


I have to be honest with you, in two years I don’t know who I’d want to see replace the current president, because nobody out there impresses me. There has been a lot of speculation about whether Sarah Palin will run in 2012. I know that a lot of readers here think Sarah Palin walks on water, but I just keep thinking she is a soccer mom who is more interested in making herself into a celebrity, than she is about doing the country any good. If she’d just decide that she’s a serious politician and concentrate on it, that would be fine.

But she bailed out on the people of Alaska when she resigned as governor, with two years left to go on her term. Next she was John McCain’s running mate in the last election. Then suddenly she is a Fox News commentator. Now I hear she is hosting an Alaska based reality TV program. I want a leader who is in it for the long haul, not flitting from opportunity to opportunity like a moth to the next brighter light.  

It’s time to fire them all, and start electing people who have our best interests at heart, instead of being self-serving crooks, jackasses who just follow the party line, no matter which party that is, and wannabe celebrities. But where do we find them? I have no idea.

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